Video Technology, Improving the Customer Journey.

Rosie Jones Ciptex
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2021

Being a UX Developer Degree Apprentice at Manchester Metropolitan University, Rebecca is passionate about finding new ways to improve user experience. By working and studying, she is eager to apply the knowledge gained from her course to the work she does within Ciptex.

Video technology, Improving the Customer Journey:

Skype, Whatsapp Video, Facetime, or Zoom, whatever you chose to use, there is no denying that video calling has had a huge impact on our lives within the past year. From catching up with your grandparents to celebrating birthdays, video technology has allowed us as a society to easily stay in touch with the ones we love while ensuring a safe environment. Similarly, in the world of work, enforced remote working saw previously office-based workers converting to Microsoft Teams meetings, which would otherwise be held in person.

Video technology is now being used within the marketing industry, particularly when advertising and pushing the sales of products. Retailers may use video chat consultations when consumers are looking at buying an item that, in past circumstances, would have been picked out in person. For example, jewellery shops are taking advantage of this now mainstream technology to help secure a sale while still providing the personal experience that is desired.

Video calling also has its advantages in the contact centre industry. When dealing with customers, workers have no longer been able to provide hands-on customer care; instead, they find themselves communicating over the phone, which can cause confusion when solving problems. By using video calls, this enables customers to use both the front and rear camera of their device to show any issues they are facing, resulting in a more efficient solution as it allows the agent to identify the problem straight away.

Face-to-face communication makes the customer experience more personal and, therefore, more memorable. Offering customers the ability to see the agent provides a feeling of trust, which gives customers the confidence that they will receive reliable service. It improves communication that would otherwise be hard to convey through online chat alone.

For example, if a customer is experiencing difficulty setting up their new laptop, explaining the exact problems they face through online chat can be time-consuming and may not always provide the outcome the customer desires. To solve this obstacle, the agent can send a link to the customer, which will open a separate webpage. From this, the customer is in control when deciding when to make the video call live by clicking the ‘start’ button. This then automatically connects both the agent and customer through video call, allowing a straightforward portrayal of issues, resulting in a faster and more efficient solution from the agent.

Supported by video technology, Ciptex provides a solution called RACE — a robust way to enable your agents to work from home, maintain your service levels while continuing to deliver excellent service to your customers. Offering live SMS chat, voice call, and video call, RACE ensures excellent customer communication, which results in overall efficiency.

