Circa Victor + Bing = Campaign spending data for everyone

Tyler Arnold
Circa Victor
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2016


Most of the billions of dollars that will be spent by the end of the 2016 election is impossible for the public to track. That changes today. Through our partnership with Bing, Circa Victor is proud to announce an entirely new and unseen set of campaign spending information that is available now to everyone. By using unique election spending data offered exclusively by Circa Victor, Bing’s Campaign Landscape tool has now become the most accessible way to view presidential election spending information this season.

Voters who search terms like “election spending,” “Trump spending,” or “Clinton spending” are now instantly greeted with a 50-state map that offers insights into where political dollars are going and overviews of the total amount of money being spent on the race to the White House.

Election spending, Clinton spending, and Trump spending are all examples of Bing searches that return Circa Victor data.

This election has seen a variety of news coverage focused on the activities of donors and the locations of TV ad buys. Now, using data compiled exclusively by Circa Victor, the public can easily access presidential election spending by vendor location across 50 states and The District of Columbia.

“The overwhelming majority of politicians who outspend their opponents end up winning their election. Beyond what happens in the media, there’s another story being played out on the money side of things. At Circa Victor, following the money is part of what we work on every day.”

The data compiled by Circa Victor draws its information from over 115 different public disclosure form types. These disclosure forms are processed by Circa Victor in real-time, and offer insights into election spending often before political donations can be tallied or tracked. In the case of Bing results, this data is being used to provide direct access to where the vendors serving political campaigns and super PACs are located. Summaries of state spending are only a partial indicator of where the money actually ends up as people, services, and subcontractors travel across state lines.

For example, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have their base of operations in New York. Yet, Clinton and her supporting super PACs have spent an additional $150m with vendors in the state. That campaign infrastructure is used to project its power across one of the most tumultuous election cycles in decades.

Selecting “The District of Columbia” from the “National” drop down on the same search screen highlights over $270m in spending by Clinton and her allies, and nearly $42m in spending by Trump with vendors located in The District. Much of those funds go to consultants and media buyers who then distribute funds nationally. For detailed real-time intelligence on political spending, including how political dollars within Washington D.C. are being distributed, please contact us.

Each state available in the Bing Campaign Landscape experience provides insight into where real campaign and super PAC infrastructure is located, and the vendors who are the stewards of campaign funds. We hope you enjoy following the money!

For additional campaign finance research, please reach out:
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