Saturday Slump

Matthew Blum
Circadian Design
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2016

People love our app, Round Health, because of its simplicity and clean design. Even though we like to keep the app simple, the data generated by our users is anything but. By looking at the de-identified usage data on our back-end, we’ve been able to glean some pretty powerful insights about how people take their pills. One that we were surprised to see so consistently is what we’ve come to refer to as the “Saturday Slump.”

In short, people aren’t so good at taking their pills on the weekends. The dip starts on Fridays, is the worst on Saturdays, and is only slightly better on Sundays. While this makes sense given the regularity of weekday schedules compared to weekends, it’s a problem that we hope to improve upon. Stay tuned for future features to help vanquish the Saturday Slump once and for all!

