Tips for using Circle Blvd

Philip Manijak
Circle Blvd
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2014

We hope you’re enjoying Circle Blvd, our task management website for teams. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of the site.

1. Add the site to your device’s home screen

A view of Circle Blvd in Safari (left) and in web-app mode (right).

Circle Blvd is not an app, but the site is designed to be a so-called “web app” on your phone or tablet. This means you can add it to your home screen when you visit the site in a mobile browser.

Doing this will make the site open in full-screen mode, as shown, and it will add an icon with the Circle Blvd logo to your device.

2. Edit the “Next meeting” milepost

You can change the text of the “Next meeting” task, and add details, like a location, date, or agenda. Use the milepost in a way that works for you.

3. Assign tasks when creating them

You can use @ to assign tasks, so if you make a task like this:

You’ll get this:

Similarly, to create a milepost, you can start a summary with two hyphens. So, do this:

To get this:

4. Check out the Roadmap view

The roadmap view is great for long-term planning, or just sending tasks to the bottom of your list to think about later.

This 18-second video shows adding a task in roadmap view, and moving it to be after Thanksgiving.

It’s one of the most powerful features of Circle Blvd, for your consideration.

5. Set up your trackpad

If you’re an organizer, you probably move things around — a lot. If you use a trackpad, take a few minutes and see if you can make it easier to drag things with it.

On Mac laptops, you can set up a three-finger drag via Trackpad options in System Preferences, or double-tap to drag via Accessibility options.

Newer Windows laptops and tablets have precision touchpads that have similar features.

6. Let other tools compliment Circle Blvd

Let Circle Blvd handle your task list, and let other tools handle what they’re good at. For example, your group will almost certainly want to use some sort of chat app, like Slack.

We suggest pairing Circle Blvd with Slack.

Writing comments on Circle Blvd will email the task owner and creator. Comments were put in place for minor clarifications, quick status updates, or follow-up questions, and were not really intended for dialogs, as so many other apps (like Slack), and regular conversations, can help with that.

Let us know what you think

Circle Blvd is still new, and we want to know where it’s working for you, and where it isn’t. We have a contact form for site members, so please let us know how you feel about it.

