What is Circle Blvd for?

Part-time projects, clubs, activists, and meet ups

Philip Manijak
Circle Blvd


In 2010, Chip & Dan Heath wrote a book called “Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard.” It won numerous accolades, spending 47 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. It’s a wonderful book, but let’s skip to the end: Their chief contribution was a three-step process for making change happen:

  1. Get people fired up emotionally.
  2. Offer a plan.
  3. Make it easy to execute the plan.

The Heath brothers did not say these steps were easy — as a matter of fact, quite the opposite — but all successful change campaigns had these three components.

Our world today is doing a great job with Step 1. It’s not hard to find a news or magazine article hand-crafted to pull at our heartstrings; an entire cottage industry has sprung up in recent years to attract readers with sensational headlines. We’ve read them all: “This Video is Hilarious Until You Realize We’re Actually Teaching This To Kids” or “11 Struggles Only People Named Erin Understand.”

Enraged? Congratulations! We’re well on our way to change with the Switch framework. Now we just need a plan.

We all know it’s not that simple. Offering a good plan takes time — time and focus. But, we do know where to start: We can meet once a week, with a friend or two, or maybe once per month. We work on the weekends. We start clubs. We develop community organizations.

Circle Blvd was created to help these projects.

It’s for student clubs. It’s for community activists. It’s for town meetups. It’s for any group project that wants a simple place to keep track of their tasks, know who is doing what, and easily see what’s next. We think it’s a best fit for groups of three to ten people, but we love hearing from people trying it for larger or smaller projects.

Step 3: Make it easy. We want to help as many people as we can. This is why Circle Blvd is free to try and open to the public.

We know a lot of groups that could use Circle Blvd are skeptical of today’s technology industry, and we think any group comfortable with email can relax while using our site. We’ve kept the design clean and straight-forward, with few surprises. There’s an interactive tour to answer most of the questions we’ve received about using the site itself.

What will you use it for? Circle Blvd is ready, today.

Let us know @circleblvd.

Originally published at a.secretproject.org.

