Coping with the air quality in San Franciso

Ilana Seidel MD ABOIM
Circle Medical
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2017

Over a week into the Northern California wildfires, we continue to see patients in our clinic with respiratory issues. The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management has been tweeting regular updates on air quality, with recommended actions for different groups of people.

As environmental toxins increase, our detoxification systems need more support. Everyone is individual and needs a slightly different plan.

As a baseline, consider sleeping near an air purifier with a good HEPA filter. If you need to walk outside, wear a mask. Reduce alcohol and refined sugar during this time so that your body doesn’t use up nutrients vital for detoxification while it detoxes alcohol or fights inflammation.

Nourish your body with non starchy vegetables that augment detoxification such as bok choy, escarole, asparagus, artichoke, celery and microgreens.

At Circle Medical, we help you create an individualized program to support your detox system.

When should you call your doctor?

Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever, worsening symptoms, or shortness of breath despite taking your regular medications.



Ilana Seidel MD ABOIM
Circle Medical

Primary care physician at Circle Medical. Board certified in Family and Integrative Medicine.