yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018


Quartz crystals are known as “master healing crystals”, crystals that can be used to heal any condition that they are energised for. They have unique powers to take on the energy of any situation thus they are one of the single most beneficial stones that one can make a major part of their life, specially for healing purposes. It’s just like the colour of quartz-white which contains all colours, the quartz crystal is ‘one crystal for all’.

Quartz crystals have a great positive effect on the emotional body and the chakras. Quartz helps strengthen our aura, which simply put can be expressed as our emotional skeleton, if one’s energies are out of balance the individual is likely to feel distressed, lethargic or hyperactive. It’s equally important to take care of the emotional skeleton as it is of the physical body. Incorporating quartz crystal can strengthen the auric structure and also to some extent the physical body too, though it cannot replace medicine, it can help the process of healing.

Quartz crystal is said to stimulate the immune system, help with physical energy, and resiliency in the face of sickness. This is so because the crystal has a good and positive effect on emotional energy, and give one a lot of positive attitude, and of course since the mind and body are so very connected this helps with physical wellness too.

The Quartz is known to be used to treat headaches, migraines, and vertigo, and because it emits energy one can combat lethargy with it and become more active which in turn would help in loosing weight (a huge ‘want’ with people today). Ancient times this crystal was used to speeden the healing process of cuts, burns, and minor injuries.

Clear Quartz crystals help give clarity of the mind, reduce anxiety, and lift us out of dull moments. The Quartz crystal can well be used in becoming an integral part of our meditation and prayers, thus helping to not only heal the physical but also the mental/emotional body. To do this one must place their Quartz crystal in direct light (sunlight if it’s a physical issue and moonlight for emotional issues), pray by focusing on the crystal and keeping the mind clear of all other issues. One can pair The Quartz crystal with any other crystal, such is it’s power and by itself too it’s by far the most versatile and powerful crystal ever.

The Quartz crystal is generally clear white, sometimes we do get to see a Smoky Quartz too. Then there are other coloured varieties of Quartz –

Clear, colourless is called rock crystal

Translucent white is called milky Quartz

Milky Pink is called Rose Quartz

Purple one is called Amethyst

The Yellow one is called Citrine

Green Quartz is known as Praseolite

And Grey Quartz is called Smoky Quartz.

