Let’s look at counselling from ‘down the Ages’

yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2020

Even though, if off late, in recent times counselling and therapy has become a little more accepted mode of reaching out for help and guidance it still is talked of in hush hush tones. But there is one counselling session, probably the world first recorded session that I would like to draw your attention to, & mind you this was conducted many many centuries ago but it is read and re-read and referred to by many as a way of guidance in times of doubt.

I am referring to The Bhagwat Gita. Yes, we can look at it with that view point too. The Bhagwat Gita is basically a record of the dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjun, the teacher and pupil, the charioter (guide) & the warrior(he was fighting his own internal battle).

As one goes through the verses we see in how much of self doubt and pain Arjun is…..when in his head he knows he has to fight and attack his extended family, friends and teacher, but his heart aches at the very thought of the action. And we have Lord Krishna, his guide and mentor patiently LISTENING to him, & also by the means of dialogue helping Arjun explore his inner self. He does point out to Arjun, that Arjun must abide by his duty, but at the same time implores him to think at a deeper level. At no point does Krishna take any decision on behalf of Arjun but instead in reply to the latter’s every question He encourages Arjun to ‘look’ deeper within his own self. And to weigh the pros and cons of whatever action Arjun decides to take.

Then again during the battle whenever Arjun exihibited any doubts as far as his actions were concerned, his ‘counselor’ had his back, by guiding him through every instance of self doubt.

Here we see that counseling certainly isn’t a one time procedure, but the therapist leads the client right through his/her journey.

So friends This Is what counselling is all about… even if the counselor wants to push the client in the right direction he/she has to allow the counselee to be the one to take the final decision. We counselors are there only to provide a safe and stable space for people to reach out when in any kind of emotional pain or self doubt.

