yukti asher
Circle of Healing


“I love you so much, more than anything in this big wide world” how often have we heard or read these lines? Now is it really possible to do so? I’d say there are people who do practice the same. Always thinking of their loved one’s comfort over and above their own, probably changing food habits or making basic lifestyle changes to accommodate the whims and fancies of the said loved one. Parents (mostly mothers) bending backward to make the child happy in order to ‘show’/’prove’ their love. Then we can have couples who are dating give up so much for the love of their life, and also spouses who put up with abusive treatment just to prove his/ her love for the other.

But I would like to explore more into this give ‘it’ my all… it really really worth it? To put another’s feelings, preferences, needs & wants above one’s own? What happens to the individual who does all this only to at some point realise that they forgot what they like etc and the other person with or (mostly without) realising does something hurtful? Or constantly in the name of love continues to abuse or manuplate? Would it not be so very shattering when the giver of such selfless love one fine day realises that the ‘subject’ of their affection was exploiting them to the hilt? Then all that’s left is a very broken person and if this were to repeat time and again ? How would it impact the said person? So then what could be a way out? Is there even a way to avoid such a situation? Yes, there is! Always remember to maintain your individuality, BE SELFISH & do not give ‘it’ (your love ) all. Keep some for yourself. Sounds difficult? weird? maybe it does but if thought through it is not only do-able but also highly recommended! All one needs to do while ‘keeping a little of their love for themselves’ is maintain your self respect, do not beg, if at any time you feel you aren’t welcome just back off. It is always a good thing to cultivate a hobby, spend time over one’s own self. Most importantly be happy in your own company (not need approval or physical presence of another). It is so correct, the saying..”You cannot pour out of an empty vessel” Thus there’s no harm in ‘keeping’ a little of the love your heart holds reserved for your own self…..

