yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2021



Well, yes the extended lock downs, the Covid scene, and the uncertainty of generally everything sure is ‘getting to’ people. I don’t say that I am in control of things happening around me and never feel low, I do feel the feeling of ‘Low’, the sense of mix of feeling helpless, stuck, angry, sad, scared, and so many other things. There are times I feel good too. Well how to get around to making the best of what we all are currently experiencing is what we need to look into….

And the very little consolation we can find solace in, is that the whole world over, every country, every human is facing this even though in different degrees. No, not that this makes the challenge, fear, sadness, and or whatever each one feels justifiable but …. The 2020 lock down world over people were posting videos of food/beverages they made, Tik-Tok videos, sharing what shows they watched etc. lot re discovered old hobbies, reconnected with family and friends. Then things got better we in India experienced limited opening up, travel happened, & holidays happened …the precautions were still in force, but we had a respite. Then came this 2nd Wave! It took us by a storm, while other countries had already dealt with their 2nd wave we were grappling with things, now we saw that the spread was even more rampant. State after Indian states declared lock downs each day newspapers gave updates and everyone became an expert at the treatment and the precautions. People would keep score of the numbers from each place, like it was a cricket or a hockey match. Oh Yes the Vaccine, this was introduced too…

In the midst of all of this we seemed to have forgotten how we handled the year 2020. I am not suggesting posting recipes or making videos but I wish to bring to the notice of us all is that we did manage to see some silver lining….

I heard someone say that she is fed up of everyday cooking for the family but same person doesn’t mind slogging for hours to bake something that’s been ordered for….so what is happening here? Well, while cooking for others so to say there’s a reward..( monetary or a positive feedback) but now that can’t always happen when making home meals or even planning a menu for the family, but is it out of the blue okay to expect that? Or even demand it? I’d say not really, BUT then the homemaker will benefit if the entire ‘exercise’ so to say were looked at a little differently….. what is the person doing whilst planning and either actually executing the menu or instructing a helper to do so , that person is ensuring that the family remains healthy, well fed, nourished, and happy. Now isn’t that a pretty big deal? And then if this self-defeating ‘fed up’ thought creeps in it does percolate on to the food that comes to the table, the taste, the enjoyment, and the well-being. Yes, I do believe in what the scriptures say that the attitude and mood of the cook / home maker do get transferred on to how the meal turns out. Can one not find ways to be happy while going about making even if it’s plain dal-rice for the loved ones? Just have some amount of positvity towards the whole event? And after all for whom is it? One’s own loved ones! For that matter any daily chore that we do around the house, why not bring in some, a little bit of feeling of peace, happiness, and positive thoughts. For instance sweeping mopping dusting, these are done by our domestic help but if they cannot come over and one has to do the same, whose home is getting cleaned? Think…..

I am sure the Work from Home scene is taking a beating & people sure are fed up but how about starting, and ending the day with some encouraging self-talk, a pat on the back, a prayer of thanks for being well? The moms would say that it’s impossible to keep the teenagers engaged, but what about the moms of a toddler? Think of their challenge! Those moms having toddlers be thankful your baby is learning so many life-skills from you and you don’t need to deal with the crying and picking up of coughs and colds from the play home.

Yes, many have lost jobs, businesses aren’t doing too great but people do have each other, emotional support of loved ones. Dearest friends every situation has two sides/ versions we need to make our own choice, the choice to find happiness or dis satisfaction in the current scenario which is here for some time. It is the choice made which will see us through it. What has begun HAS to end and it will….

