yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2018

What is it marriage? As per the dictionary, Marriage is the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationalship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and woman)

A young boy in his mid-twenty’s meets this girl through some family friends, the purpose of this meeting is to consider each other as life-partners. The two families have known each other and now want the children to tie The Knot.

Another scene :- In college or any other situation …. These two have been dating since some time and now want to marry, the next step would be to make the respective parents meet….

There are different situations that lead to two people making a decision to ‘settle down’ or get married. But what should one expect from marriage? How would life change? Would the marriage be successful? What is a successful marriage? Is it compulsory to have children? …… so many questions

Whether it is the boy or girl the huge step of marriage is got into with so many dreams, apprehensions, expectations, and absolutely no experience or a guide or rule book. For the girl according to some cultures, she has to leave her parental home to go live with the in-laws while some cultures the newly weds move into a house of their own. What ever be the case it is not only the girl but the boy too needs to get accustomed to the change (which is rather contrary to common belief).

If the couple continues to live with the parents, the boy too needs to get used to ‘handling’ one more woman who would want his 100% attention, love and affection, whereas the girl would probably feel totally at sea with the new ways of the new family. She would want to win over the new family their affection and love, they would already be doing things in a certain way, whether it is the basic life style or food habits or even holidays. If they decide to live away from the parents there are other challenges.

We explore more in the next article….

