yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2018

Are there any rules on how a marriage should be?

A checklist that one can strike off to figure if they are in a successful marriage? Unfortunately, there isn’t any such thing. Generally the couple would go by how they have seen their parents behave /conduct themselves or some aunt or uncle….either they adopted the same or similar behaviors or modify them depending on how each one has interpreted the relationship of respective parents’.

Marriage is like a partnership but the % always varies unlike as in a business partnership. Whether it is which of the two partners is doing the adjusting, letting go off things much more than the other because things aren’t they way he/she would wish, or which one is doing more towards even the daily chores. Marriage is about maintaining one’s own self respect and giving respect to the spouse, certainly not bad mouthing the spouse in presence of others not even the children (specially the children), it is also about not taking each other for granted. In a marriage the couple is like a team, an indesructable team always together in any decision big or small, not implying that one should loose his or her individuality but being as one, as far as all others are concerned, sorting out their differences between each other. Over the years this practice makes the couple start thinking like each other always knowing what the other would like or dislike and yet maintaining his/her own individuality. It may seem difficult but it certainly isn’t impossible. Now that! my friends is a good successful marriage! Yes, and trusting each other totally also having THAT faith in the relationship, knowing that whatever happens my spouse will always stand by me. It is where two people are equals not rivals, who would be competing with each other for attention and approval of others. It is having the courage to know the spouse’s mistakes stand by them and help them overcome the same.

