yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2018

On Completedness
What is it to be complete? Or whole…?
An apple, orange, any fruit vegetable etc is a whole by itself. Science also shows us that elements are complete or whole by themselves. Then why do we humans need someone else to make us feel ‘whole’ or ‘complete’?
I wholly agree that living in a society is necessary even animals live mostly in a group but are hardly totally dependent on another. But why is it that we are made to believe that to be complete firstly one must marry, then procreate?
Is it so necessary that only the married people can be/find happiness? Why should one’s spouse be responsible for that person’s happiness, comfort or to make one feel ‘complete ‘?
How does having a child make a man or more importantly a woman feel ‘complete’?
There are hoardings talking of sense of feeling complete trying to promote IVFs but really how does this work?
Isn’t one’s happiness, peace from within, and feeling worthy more important?
Each and everyone of us is made differently and have very different ideas about how we look at life, what makes us happy etc. There isn’t any rule book or any parameters to measure how one should live life. No ideal age to finish education, start earning, marry, or to have kids, no rule that says one HAS TO marry to be ‘settled down’ or HAVE children to prove being ‘normal’. Why are people giving so much importance to these very unimportant things?
Isn’t being happy more important? Happy with one’s own self…that should make one feel complete…completely at peace with oneself and happy, which in turn will take the pressure off, of living upto the supposed rules/norms made by society.
Why live upto them instead wouldn’t it be better to bend them a little to find our own happiness and thus feel whole in our own self

