The Solar Plexus & The Heart Chakras

yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2018

The third chakra and the fourth chakra, namely Solar Plexus and the heart chakras respectively, deal with our emotions and self-love. This article explores them in some depth.

The Third Chakra — The Manipura

The element of The Manipura chakra is Fire

The position of the third chakra is in the solar plexus area(upper part of the belly). The colour associated with it is yellow, its symbol is a circle with 10 petals in which there is a downward pointing triangle. The element of The Manipura chakra is Fire.

It is the core of our personality, our identity, and our willpower. It is the centre of self-esteem, self-discipline, as well as the warmth in your personality.

The energy of this chakra helps to transform inertia into action, and allows you to meet challenges. So a blockage in this chakra will cause one to be lazy, passive, and inactive.

Self love, self acceptance and acknowledgement of your own worth are qualities that are building blocks of this chakras. Every time you criticize or judge yourself you deplete and weaken this chakra.

On a physical level this chakra relates to digestive system, liver, and gall bladder.

The crystals associated with the Solar Plexus chakra are Amber, Citrine, yellow Tourmaline, Tiger’s eye.

The Fourth Chakra — Anahata

The element of The Anahata chakra is Air

The fourth energy centre is said to bridge earthly and spiritual aspirations. Let’s explore it’s essence and unravel it’s powerful energy to enrich our life.

The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest, it is related to the element of air. The symbol -of this chakra is a circle with twelve petals, a downward-pointing triangle and an upward-pointing triangle overlapping it, forming a six pointed star or hexagram. The intersection triangles symbolize union of opposite energies, male & female, or spirit & matter.

The typical qualities of this chakra are capacity to love, appreciation of beauty in all things, experiencing deep and meaningful relationships, and experiencing unconditional love and connection with all. This chakra, being in the centre connects the lower and upper chakras. It’s emphasis is on love, giving and receiving it. Love is an essential element in any relationship, whether it is with others or oneself. This isn’t about the romantic love but about going beyond limitations of the ego and being fully compassionate and accepting of all that it. This enables us to appreciate beauty in every form.

An imbalanced heart chakra results in feeling closed down, jealousy or fear of intimacy. Also co-dependency, relying of approval of others, putting oneself in the role of a savior or rescuer. Inability to forgive. On a physical level a blockage in the heart chakra can manifest in respiratory ailments, lung infections also circulatory and heart ailments.

To balance the heart chakra here are a few simple practices:- work on your breathing, cultivate appreciation for beauty, practice self love, teach yourself to accept love and appreciation, also be compassionate towards others.

The colour associated with the heart chakra is green. Carrying or wearing the following crystals can be beneficial for the heart chakra:-Aventurine, Malacite, Jade, Rose quartz

