yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2021

Healing is a process of getting better, recovering from any kind of an injury or hurt.

So, there’s healing from a physical trauma, which could be caused by an accident, someone harming you, or even a surgery. Then we experience emotional trauma, which is caused by the loss of a loved one, being treated unkindly by someone, and even the physical traumas do have an impact on our emotional well-being. Atleast to some extent.

Let’s first look into physical trauma and the emotional trauma arising from it…..and how to come out of it. Accidents of any kind can get dealt with at home or maybe a doctor’s clinic or a hospital. Surgery- this can be a result of any accident or some illness, both can cause emotional trauma as well.

To emotionally heal from the above does sometimes take longer than the healing from the physical wound, for instance one needs to go through a surgery they’d get discharged from hospital because they’ve recovered and all parameters are normal, but the sub-conscious memories do at times linger…. These cause a lot of emotional scars.


Now the just emotional traumas…..these are more often than not caused by the near and dear ones. They are inflicted upon us by being spoken to with disrespect or rudely, or being ridiculed, by being shouted at, or by being beaten up….could be not having done well in academics. These can be overcome by seeking help from a therapist, or trying different methods of self- healing too, there’s meditaton, yoga, or spiritual paths, one can channelise their energies towards a favourite activity too.


Some people do advice to walk away from whatever triggers our memory, bringing up the hurt feelings all over again, but this doesn’t help the healing process. For really healing one’s self we need to detach ourselves from the experience, not allow ourselves to react the same old way instead treat the incident as a thing from the past and teach ourselves to become more resilient and stronger. To walk a different path from the earlier one that repeatedly caused us to feel hurt, to change our pattern thus change the story and as a result be triumphant. But easy as it may sound I know from experience too it’s difficult! Difficult because all these months/years we have reacted the old way causing ourselves to be hurt time and again, but there seemed a kind of comfort in it, an old habit which if we gave up there would be a void and we wouldn’t know how to fill that! It’s like being unable to let go of an possession which no longer serves us and we need to let go off the same, we like it because our heart and mind is programmed to ‘like it’, & how to react to it. An old car that is eating away into our purse but not serving us, an old pair of jeans which we can’t get into we just got to let go of and replace the same with something we can use. In the same sense we need to teach ourselves, train ourselves to let go off the hurt that’s caused by emotional trauma and instead fill our hearts with self-love, self-worth, and love offered by others who really care. Believe me carrying the burden of old hurt just weighs you down, initially there’s fear of the void created if we let go off it but filling the void with emotions of our choice makes this journey of life way better.

