yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2019

When one hears the word ‘Love’.. or the words “ I love you “. Generally most of us would visualise a Shahrukh Khan with his arms outstretched, Mr Bachan sr pelting out poetry, a Sharmila Tagore singing to her son, Jaya Bachan waiting for her son and such.
But… let’s see the deeper meaning of this emotion… Love I’d say is the feeling of wishing a dear one’s welfare at all times and in any circumstance. Love is not judging, not having expectations all the time. Love doesn’t demand unreasonably, love is having utmost respect for the loved one. It means being there for each other always surpassing all challenges of distance or any other circumstances. Love means trusting the other more than oneself. Love is giving the loved one as much space as they want instead of tying them down.
Above all if we can truly love ourselves in the true sense will we be able to love another.
In loving oneself all the above hold true…stop judging and thus reprimanding yourself, don’t have unreasonable demands or expectations of yourself! Remember each and everyone of us is unique so it’s unfair to any individual to try totally trying be an absolute carbon copy of another. Achieve your own goals and push yourself to the next level at your own pace. Trust yourself, your heart to guide you. Learn to free yourself, your soul from petty insignificant issues.
Love empowers, strengthens and truly frees the soul.
Love prays without setting conditions.
Love gets into action before getting into the analysis of the of the situation.
Love knows.
Love feels.
Love only grows…..

