yukti asher
Circle of Healing
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2018

Very often I ask myself, “why do good people have to suffer?”
Is there any answer as to why God tests our patience, faith, and belief? At times, most times life itself seems so unfair, it takes but a split second for things to turn topsy turvy.
Then what gives me solace is the comparison I tend to make, when any metal is put through the extreme heat of fire only the pure withstands the test. This I compare to us mere mortals that it’s the pure at heart who, when put through extreme conditions to emerge as purest of pure as strongest of strong.
It’s one’s resilience that stands by us to help us emerge stronger after whatever we are put through. The others I guess just kind of ‘fade away’, or don’t ‘pass’ the test.
Yes, there’s always the question “why me?” But that I suppose can’t invoke an answer, everyone has their own personal test they are put through. On the face of it we always tend to feel/think that the other person has his/her life made for them, it’s only when we see or know the true picture do we realise how quick we were to judge.
Then again back to my question “why do good people have to suffer?” Then I ask “do I want to do good, is it worth it?” And my heart says “ just do your bit in life, do try make another’s life easier and happier and The Almighty will not let the deed go in vain.” I know my heart doesn’t ever lie to me.

