27 Days: Finding My Way Back to Sunshine

Avik Chakraborty
Circle — Real Life
3 min readJul 1, 2024


My mother died on November 17, 2022, and just 27 days later, my father passed away too. In less than a month, my entire world turned upside down. I went from being the “Regina Sunshine” everyone knew to feeling utterly lost, as if someone had literally turned off the light.

I decided to give myself 2023 to grieve, with the goal of beginning my journey back to normalcy on September 1, 2023. My plan was to find my way back to teaching, coaching, motivational speaking, publishing, and ultimately, back to being “Regina Sunshine” — even if it meant embracing a new normal.

However, the path to Finding My Way Back was far more challenging than I anticipated. In the past, I had overcome obstacles with the power of positive affirmations, but this grief was a beast unlike any other I had faced. Every step forward seemed to be met with a slide backward, leaving me feeling defeated. As “Regina Sunshine,” the queen of positive mental attitude, I was struggling to save myself.

I soon realized that I couldn’t do it alone. I needed reinforcements — a General to guide me through this battle. This revelation struck me while attending a girls’ empowerment event hosted by Destiny’s Daughters of Promise. Normally, at the annual Girls 2 Women Leadership Symposium, I would be on stage speaking and engaging with the audience. But I refused to take the stage this time. My mother, who had always recognized my speaking gift and put me in my first competition, was no longer there. I couldn’t face the audience without her. The only reason I attended the event was because my baby sister Zoe was receiving an award and sharing her experiences with the organization as a graduating senior. I went, but I wasn’t happy to be there.

As Regina Sunshine, people expected me to bring the sunshine, but I had nothing left to give. I had become a hermit, avoiding events and rarely leaving the house. Most of my work was remote, so I found it easy to make excuses to stay home. However, attending this event turned out to be a divine appointment.

Dr. Chinasa Elue, one of the workshop presenters, shared her story of losing her mother and her work as a Grief Coach. Her words pierced through my fog of grief. I knew instantly that I needed to speak with her. Everything about her drew me in. Here was a highly successful, high-achieving Black woman who had endured the loss of her mother and continued to thrive. She was exactly who I needed in my life.

During the break, I ran to meet Dr. Elue. My story spilled out, and I found myself in tears, enveloped in her understanding embrace. I had found my war buddy. Now, it was time to get to work.

If you’re reading this and struggling to Find Your Way Back, I encourage you to seek help. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is someone who can help you — whether it’s a therapist, pastor, or a trusted friend. It’s okay to be down, but it’s not okay to stay down. Ask yourself, “Do I need help?”

My personal motto is “It’s Not Over Til I Win,” and if I haven’t won yet, that just means it’s not over. So know this: It’s Not Over. You Will Win. And together, we will Find Our Way Back.

Be blessed. Keep Winning!

Regina Sunshine Robinson

You can reach Regina:

Website: www.reginasunshine.com Social Media Links https://www.instagram.com/regina_sunshine/ https://www.facebook.com/ReginaSunshineRobinson/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/regina-sunshine-robinson-064abb72/ https://www.youtube.com/reginasunshineglobalnetwork



Avik Chakraborty
Circle — Real Life

I am passionate about using my writing to connect with others and to make a difference in the world. Tune In - www.talklive.org