The benefits of moving your business phone system to the cloud.

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2 min readMar 28, 2017

The legacy, on-premises business phone systems that are installed and managed by traditional telco providers were designed for a 1990s workplace, when employees came into the office every day, and made calls using desk phones rather than mobiles.

Cloud-based phone systems, such as CircleLoop, are designed for the way that companies work today, not yesterday. It keeps your team connected wherever they are working, on whatever device they are using, including smartphones, tablets, computers, and desk phones.

Multiple Locations

Cloud-based phone systems are not limited by location, meaning your colleagues can make & receive business calls, no matter where they are. Gone are the days of being tied to those old-fashioned, archaic desk phones. And gone are the days of your team carrying two mobile phones when they’re out of the office.

Multiple Devices

With cloud phone systems, such as CircleLoop, employers can simply put business phone numbers on the devices their colleagues already own or use, like their mobile phone and computer. This helps businesses to save money on unnecessary hardware, and makes the management of colleagues’ personal expenses cleaner and easier.


Cloud-based phone systems are immediately scalable, whether a business needs to scale-up or scale-down. Systems like CircleLoop are completely self-service, meaning there’s no longer any need for waiting times, engineer calls or complex installations. You can scale a cloud-based phone system in a matter of seconds, simply by adding users and assigning numbers, at will.

Lower Costs

The relative efficiency and lower overheads involved in delivering cloud-based solutions, deliver significantly lower costs for businesses, often up to 75% versus a traditional phone solution. With CircleLoop, business users can run their phone system on powerful apps, packed with features and unlimited free UK calls for just £15 per user, per month.

Find out more about cloud-based business phone systems at

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