Introducing the Circles of Confusion discussion group

Matt Hill
Circles of Confusion
2 min readMay 23, 2016

A couple months ago, my pal Peter Berberian and I were having lunch. He asked if I was interested in starting a small networking group of insiders from the Photo Industry. I said, “yes, but let’s level that idea up! How about we all gather to discuss one question at a time, and publish the findings?”

So Circles of Confusion (CoC) was born (Peter’s genius name.) We wrote a draft of the invite for the first meeting, reached out to some other folks in the industry and here we go!

Here are the CoC guiding principles

Who: a small group of vital thinkers in the photo industry

What: achieve clarity and be positive agents of change in our own industry

Why: to understand important issues in our industry with zero bullshit

How: discuss one question in a salon atmosphere and have a couple drinks

We intend to hold these gatherings once per quarter. If you are interested in attending (in NYC), drop us a line for the next one!

circles of confusion defined:

“In optics, a circle of confusion is an optical spot caused by a cone of light rays from a lens not coming to a perfect focus when imaging a point source.” Wikipedia

Interested in joining a future CoC discussion? Let us know here.

Wanna start your own chapter? Fuck, yeah. Do it. You don’t need our permission! And we’d be happy to add you as an author here on our Medium publication. Have at it!

Peter Berberian LinkedIn
Matt Hill LinkedIn



Matt Hill
Circles of Confusion

Seeking and creating meaningful change via art, photography, marketing, thought and leadership.