
Tanay Kumar
Circling Thoughts
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2014

The pressure of penning down my thoughts have been mounting on me for quite some time now. I have been wondering about way so many things and blabbering about in conventions , meet ups and conferences that I thought it would be good to document my blabbering and see for my self as to where do my thoughts take me.

Just a bit of disclaimer to start with that the thoughts presented here on this blog are strictly mine. There might be instances in my life which I would keep referring where in people around my life would be featured but it would be purely on grounds of expressing my point of view.

Phew. Hope that covers me for all eventualities.

Now that we are covered, what exactly can you expect here on this diary of mine. I have been thinking of a name, topics, what would be people expecting from me, blah blah blah which delayed this process in the first place. So before this goes out of control I need to get focused on something… So this would be about anything and expect the worst…

Excuse my typo (the iPhone way) and my grammar… As that’s not what I will be concentrating on.

Signing off on the introductory monologue now….

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Originally published at on March 15, 2014.

