Good workplace is made by happy people.

Tanay Kumar
Circling Thoughts
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2016

Take a bunch of crazy and talented designers in a room with some cool colours, great music, coffee on tap and some general mayhem and you get India’s best UX design studio.

At Fractal Ink, creating a fun and positive work atmosphere is almost a founding principle of the company. A fact epitomised by our previous workspace at Chembur. Though we had outgrown the space at the rate of an adolescent outgrowing a T-shirt, something about it was familiar and comforting to everyone here. So when the time came to finally shift into someplace more befitting our size we knew that our task was to recreate the same warm and cozy vibes at our new location.

Research makes perfect

We got started by benchmarking (drooling) some of the coolest offices from around the world. We invited views, suggestions and ideas from the entire team and created a moodboard. We tied up with some of India’s leading architects for workspaces and were enthusiastic participants in the design and mockup stage. Finished mockups were again shared with the team and further suggestions and refinements were made.

A happening workplace

The result of so much sweat and effort has been extremely heartening. There were a lot of shiny new things, open spaces and bright colours, but something vital of our beloved Chembur office still shines through. Over the past 2 months we have felt ourselves coming together as a family even more.

Open your mind

Vast open space characterizes the new Fractal Ink HQ. Shelving racks have been used to create a visual punctuation point. Various interesting items are slowly finding their home on the shelves.

Sleeping like kings

Tired troops are actually encouraged to catch a few winks at a number of inviting and cozy spots.


Slow afternoons are jazzed up with fun and exciting old school board games at the breakout table. If you ever drop by, you can ask some of the team to introduce you to the board game they devised. This table is also the scene of many a feast held regularly at the studio.

Silent zones

The office is outfitted with a number of low noise cabin areas for whenever someone needs to attend a call or just focus on their inner designer.

Making Marx proud

At Fractal Ink we strongly believe that the world is flat. Be it the bosses or the masses, everyone gets the same comfort, facilities and incentives to enjoy their workspace.

NASA, here we come

Fractalites with an aeronautic inclination have been especially inspired by the insulating ceiling. Many areas are peppered with rockets in all colours and shapes, frozen in successful flight.

We have really grown to love this place in the few short weeks we have been here. The new space is a symbol for us as an agency and a team. We are a fun and colourful bunch and we are only getting better. With this new HQ, We look forward to many years of awesome firsts, more work that sets industry benchmarks and lots more fun.

