Devlog — Week 11

Manel C.
Circuit Slimes Devlog
2 min readMay 22, 2020

Hello, everyone!

It almost seems like this project started yesterday and yet, here we are, so close to the finish line! Let me catch you up on this week’s work.

To start us off, I tackled some smaller issues and tweaks. We decided that having the Slimes looking towards the camera at the start of the Level would make for a deeper interaction with the player, so I changed that. I also improved the Water and Solder Slime’s behaviour when seeking candy. It looks more natural and fluid.

Moving on from these smaller things, I have been tinkering with what we have dubbed ‘Smart Slimes’. These Slimes are alternative versions of the Electric Slimes that explore the board in different ways.

The first of these, the Smart Electric Slimes, which Francisco gave little glasses, that make them look really cute, tell each other what path they take at a crossing. By communicating like this, the Slimes that reach that crossing afterwards can opt to go in another direction to explore more.

Smart Electric Slimes

The second were the Smarter Electric Slimes (I know… the name is a bit ‘on the nose’). These little ones build on top of the first’s communication and also report how many paths still to explore exist branching off from the crossings they have previously visited. With all this information, all Slimes are really effective at getting to all the corners of the Board!

Smarter Electric Slimes

This is what I have been up to for most of this week, which is the last before we present our little game at MOJO, next Tuesday! I hope you will all swing by and watch us present the game there and play it!!

Have nice weekend, stay safe and happy!! Until next time, goodbye and good night! :)



Manel C.
Circuit Slimes Devlog

An Engineering student interested in Gamedev, Mythology, Drawing…