Devlog: Week 12

Josefin Ström
Circuit Slimes Devlog
1 min readMay 30, 2020

Time for one last update! Once again a bit late, I forgot to write my update yesterday and fell asleep early. Oops!

This week was the final week, the big MOJO. A lot of stress, but also big feeling of relaxation when everything was over.

For the last crunch of work, I got much more sleep than my colleagues and had less tasks for the project. During the weekend I finished up some smaller UI details, finished the pop-up system for the hints and tutorials, and created our playtesting questionnaire. Unfortunately we did not get many answers to that, but maybe in the next few weeks we can use it for playtesting with our focus group.

Lastly, I want to write a big appreciation part for the rest of the team. Not only have they done an amazing job with creating the whole game, everything from gorgeous 3D to all the coding — and even managing to intergrate my UI code, that did not always work that well. But they have also been really fun to work with, and made me feel really welcome — eventhough I came into the group as a complete stranger from the beginning and made them need to speak English on all our meetings. It has been a pleasure to work this team and to create such a fun game!


