Mesbah Sabur, the founder of Circularise, is recognized as GreenBiz “30 under 30” leader

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2 min readJun 22, 2020


June 22, 2020 — GreenBiz Group today named the founder of Circularise Mesbah Sabur as one of the 2020 “30 Under 30” based on a global search for emerging leaders across sectors who are shaping the next generation of sustainable business.

Circularise, founded by Mesbah Sabur and Jordi de Vos, helps plastic manufacturers, brands and OEMs to trace raw materials from source, into parts and ultimately to end products, and share data about them while retaining privacy over sensitive information.

The honorees were nominated by GreenBiz readers around the world and selected by the GreenBiz editorial team from among hundreds of submissions.

“We received a record number of nominations for our fifth class of honorees, which helped the GreenBiz editorial team select our most diverse list yet,” said GreenBiz Group Editorial Director Heather Clancy. “I’m awed and humbled by what these young professionals have already accomplished in their careers and excited about what I’m sure they will contribute in the months and years ahead, especially as the world grapples with solving the interconnected challenges of the climate crisis and economic inequity. Help us lead the way.”

“For the last four years, Circularise has been a journey with many ups and downs. Now we are gaining momentum not only among corporates but also other organisations that care about sustainability. Being recognised by Greenbiz and to make it into their 30 under 30 list is very exciting” says Mesbah Sabur.

Members of this year’s cohort work within companies — large, small and in-between — that are making strides in their corporate sustainability efforts, including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, Allbirds, Clara Foods and Circularise. Others are making their voices heard in the sustainability world from other perches, including government, social enterprises and advocacy groups including the City of Charlotte, WeBloom and the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance.

The 30 individuals being honored come from eight countries — from the United States to Taiwan to the Netherlands. They work for multinational corporations, innovative startups, social enterprises, nonprofit organizations and government agencies.

View the full “2020 GreenBiz 30 under 30” list here:

About GreenBiz Group

GreenBiz Group is the leading media and events company at the intersection of business, sustainability and innovation. We view climate change and other global environmental challenges as existential threats to business and society, as well as significant opportunities. We help our audiences — large and small companies, utilities, government agencies and others — navigate the emerging technologies, business practices, policies and societal expectations they need to know to succeed. We achieve this through media, events, research and a membership network of corporate sustainability professionals.




Accelerating the shift towards a circular economy, by providing value chains with a secure data exchange tool