Humans of Meraki — Captivated by the Magic of Coding

Jeremy Holland
Cisco Meraki
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2023

At Meraki, the energy and passion of our employees shapes our dynamic community and empowers us to create magic for our customers. Our ongoing series, Humans of Meraki, highlights employee perspectives and articulates who we are and the magic of working at Meraki. We hope this series will provide you with insight into what motivates Merakians at work and beyond. Welcome — we’re happy you’re here.

For this series of Humans of Meraki, we spoke with Mustafa Hepekiz, a software engineer, who shared about his untraditional career path and his lifelong dream to work at Cisco Meraki.

Mustafa Hepekiz, Software Engineer, Austin, TX

What inspired you to pursue a career in coding and software engineering? How did you get your start?

When I turned 11 years old, my dad gave me an 8-bit home computer called the Commodore 64. Although my dad didn’t know it at the time, this gift would shape the trajectory of my life. The computer captivated me, and I spent my free time learning how to decipher and display code. One afternoon, my dad’s friend noticed that I was writing code and showed me something that opened a new world for me. He typed a code on my computer, which triggered a bouncing ball to appear on the screen. To me, this was magic.

From that moment on, I became obsessed with writing code, delving into existing codebases, and learning more about the intricacies of programming. Whenever I encountered software, game, or application on the computer, I would try and figure out its structure and logic. The gift of the computer and my interaction with my dad’s friend were transformative and guided me toward a career as a software engineer.

In an earlier conversation, you shared that working at Cisco has been a lifelong dream for you. What attracted you to Cisco Meraki?

As a native of Turkey, I cofounded one of the country’s first web-hosting companies, where I immersed myself in the world of networking, servers, and switches. As a founder, I was always researching the latest technology, and Cisco consistently surfaced as a leading technology company. As I learned more, my respect for Cisco grew. I was impressed by their products, services, innovation, and reputation. My admiration for Cisco motivated me to strive for excellence and sparked my dream to work there one day.

How did you wind up fulfilling your dream of working at Cisco Meraki?

In 2019, I won the green card lottery and moved to Austin, Texas, with my wife. Although I have a lot of experience working at tech startups and large corporations,

I was having trouble finding a steady job and worked at a few different startups and drove for a ride-hailing app and delivery company. After a few years of piecing it together, I enrolled in a coding boot camp to uplevel my knowledge of new technologies and reach my higher goals. Once I completed the coding program, I saw a job posting for Cisco Meraki. I applied and landed the job. I’ve been over the moon ever since.

How would you describe the company culture at Cisco Meraki?

The company culture at Cisco Meraki is special; everyone is incredibly kind and supportive. There is a lot of camaraderie between employees, and we operate like a close-knit community, which I deeply appreciate and embrace. The culture is fueled by our values, which emphasize the importance of collaboration, teamwork, mutual respect, and continuous learning. Meraki leaders encourage both hard work and the necessity of work-life balance. When my dad passed away, my managers stepped in to ensure I was fully supported, and my coworkers called me to share their condolences and sent me flowers. I felt very cared for and supported by Meraki during this time of grief. Meraki isn’t just a workplace, it’s a place where individuals come together to make a difference.

Which aspects of the brand make you feel proud?

I have immense pride in our brand for many reasons. As a person who travels often and works remotely, I am constantly connecting to different Wi-Fi networks. It never ceases to amaze me how often I encounter Cisco when connecting to Wi-Fi; it’s a testament to our widespread impact. This ability to reach and connect with people across the globe is truly remarkable and fills me with pride. Cisco Meraki is a symbol of reliability and innovation. Working here is meaningful to me because I’m able to make a difference in the world.

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