Humans of Meraki — Honoring Veterans at Meraki and Beyond

Jeremy Holland
Cisco Meraki
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2023

At Meraki, the energy and passion of our employees shapes our dynamic community and empowers us to create innovative solutions and products for our customers. Our ongoing series, Humans of Meraki, highlights employee perspectives and articulates who we are and the magic of working at Meraki. We hope that this series will provide you with insight into what motivates Merakians at work and beyond. Welcome — we’re happy you’re here.

In honor of Veterans Day (November 11) and National Veterans and Military Families Month, recognized throughout the month of November, we asked Meraki veterans to share how Meraki expresses appreciation for service members and their families.

Lena Zell, Solutions Engineering Leader, Chicago, IL

I served as an active duty United States Marine for nearly five years. In my experience, women veterans often feel invisible, but women serve our country and should be recognized for their commitment. Veterans Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the contributions made by all veterans, including women. Cisco Meraki shows appreciation for veterans through various initiatives. The Meraki Veterans employee resource organization (ERO) is an affinity group for veterans to connect with people with similar backgrounds, build community, and spread awareness. Additionally, Cisco offers a program called Military in Sales and Leadership (MISL) that helps veterans find meaningful employment and new opportunities to serve. I feel fortunate to be employed by Meraki because they value veterans’ unique backgrounds and abilities.

Corey Dettmann, Meraki Network Support Engineer, Chicago, IL

For some, the transition from life in the military to a career as a civilian can be challenging. However, the welcoming and supportive environment at Meraki has helped me transition smoothly. At Meraki, I’ve never felt judged for being a service member. In fact, I was encouraged to get involved in the Meraki Veterans employee resource organization (ERO), which has led me to connect with many fellow veterans and share openly about my experience in the Marines.

Robbie Singley, Cloud Product Manager, San Francisco, CA

There are many opportunities people can take to show their appreciation for veterans. One way is to learn about their unique stories and experiences. By understanding other people’s experiences, we can appreciate their journeys. Additionally, volunteering with or donating to veteran charities offers a wonderful opportunity to recognize and give back. As a Meraki employee, I feel that the company has shown appreciation for the veteran community by providing an inclusive environment for us to work and thrive.

Melody Bonet, Technical Support Leader, San Francisco, CA

Meraki appreciates veterans all year round. The company does this in several ways, including hosting various events where veterans can network and get to know each other. Veterans tend to be selfless and enjoy giving back to the communities we serve. To that end, it’s fulfilling for me to volunteer, and Meraki makes it easy to do so. I recently had the chance to give back at the Marin Food Bank, where I, alongside other Merakians, packed bags of food for those in need. Afterward, my coworkers and I enjoyed each other’s company by sharing a meal and hiking back to the office together.

At Meraki, we recognize the challenges that some veterans face transitioning from life in the military to a career as a civilian. Considering this, we have several initiatives, programs, and groups that holistically support veterans and their families. We appreciate the diverse perspectives, experiences, and unique skill sets veterans bring to the Meraki community. As always, we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming culture that empowers all Merakians to thrive.

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