Humans of Meraki — When Tech Meets Music

Matt Slagle
Cisco Meraki
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024

Any season is a wonderful time to try something new, like pursuing a passion or diving into a new adventure — such as an internship at Cisco Meraki! Great experiences can leave us with both incredible memories and the desire for more time. For this series of Humans of Meraki, we interviewed Matt Gonzalez, one of our summer interns, who reflected on his internship and told us why he decided to pursue two internships with us.

Matt Gonzalez, Network Support Intern, San Francisco, CA

How would you describe the Meraki culture?

Meraki has a very welcoming and friendly culture. When I go to work, it doesn’t feel like I’m working in an office. Instead, it feels like a second home. Meraki is the kind of environment where I feel comfortable asking questions. In fact, asking for help is encouraged here.

What did you love most about your internship?

For starters, this was my second internship at Meraki. I had such a great experience during my last internship that I decided to return! As an intern on the network support team, I was able to focus on customer engagement, problem solving, and improving the Meraki dashboard — all areas of engineering that interest me. I really enjoyed the work I got to do here. Additionally, I became friends with my intern cohort. We explored San Francisco together and participated in various events.

How did you spend your free time?

As a musician and music producer, I was particularly excited to discover the on-site music room at the Meraki office, which contains many different instruments. During my breaks, I would go to the music room to play songs and relax. Sometimes my friends would join me, and I’d play a few songs for them. It’s awesome that Meraki provides a recreational space in the office.

What did you learn during your internship?

I’ve learned a lot throughout my internship. I’ve improved my fundamental networking skills and learned nuances about Meraki, like partnerships with suppliers and customers, which is fascinating. The fact that this was my second internship at Meraki is a testament to the company — Meraki provides an awesome experience for interns — one that I will truly miss.

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