Interviewing for a Meraki Sales Position

Some thoughts on closing your most important deal

Eryn Marshall
Cisco Meraki
2 min readOct 24, 2016


S o you’ve landed yourself an interview for a Sales role at Meraki. Congrats! This is already an impressive feat, but now you have to get through the dreaded interview process. Here are a few tips from the inside that can help ensure you come across as the best candidate you can be.

Would you walk into a sales call not having done your research on the prospect? I didn’t think so. The same goes for an interview. Gather as much information about the company, role, and products as possible. Leverage your resources: Meraki’s YouTube channel, the company blog, your recruiter, LinkedIn connections working at the company, and many more. The more you prepare, the better your chances of success.

If you don’t have a background in technology, our Director of Global Channel Sales recommends treating the interview like you would a test in university. Study the products and understand each of their key functions, learn the competitors (and know how Meraki stacks up against them in the market), and be able to articulate the value proposition.

During the interview, as on a sales call, the discovery is as vital as the sales pitch. Asking thoughtful questions will help you uncover whether or not this is the right job for you. If you have things that are critical to you accepting a new job, make sure you understand whether Meraki can offer those to you. Likewise, be prepared to sell your product (hint: that’s you!) Your previous successes should be highlighted through quota attainment, sales awards, promotions, and standout deals. This is an opportunity to share why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Lastly, as you close out the interview, don’t be afraid to “ask for the sale.”

Happy hunting…and who knows, maybe we’ll hear from you soon!

Meraki is hiring stellar salespeople! Check out our openings in San Francisco and abroad at

