Wellness for the 21st Century Worker

Tips and tricks for maintaining your health

Gagan Kular
Cisco Meraki
5 min readNov 14, 2016


The day is in progress, meetings are in session, and it’s wellness week at the Meraki office in SF. There is always something going on! In the fast-paced 21st century lifestyle, wellness is more important than ever but unfortunately a lot of us have become desk-bound at our jobs. A lot of us don’t have time or don’t make time to think about well-being, but since it is such an important part of staying healthy, I’m going to break it down into three subparts for you: physical, mental, and social wellness.


Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can help keep you accountable & healthy.

Physical wellness is important as it keeps our bodies healthy and functioning properly. Being physically active is super important for those of us working behind a computer as we spend much of our time sitting down and being inactive. There are lots of things you can do during the work day to get active. Go on a lunchtime walk! Take the stairs instead of the elevator! Have a walking meeting! Get up and moving in whatever way works for you.

I’ve made working out a part of my daily routine by taking advantage of our onsite gym. I’ve also worked on revamping our fitness offerings to include a wide offerings of classes such as yoga, bootcamp, dance, and cardio kickboxing. Even if you don’t have an onsite gym, find a routine that works for you! There are fitness centers in every neighborhood. I have a daily calendar reminder that keeps me on track and is a way I hold myself accountable. Find out what motivates you — maybe a workout buddy that will hold your accountable or competing against others.

Another thing to check out is your workspace. A lot of companies have an ergonomics department that can sit down with you to see if your desk is a good height for you, if your chair height is correct, and measure around distances around your desk. This can help with better posture and lessen your risk for injury. Set yourself up for success!

Nutrition is also a huge factor in your physical well-being. Eating a balanced diet will help nourish your body and keep your energy levels up. If you aren’t sure what nutrients you need, be sure to check out the food pyramid which breaks down the food groups and recommended servings. At Meraki, we have catered lunch every day which makes lunchtime a breeze but it is also up to us to choose what we want to eat from the provided options. I’ve also learned not to shop when hungry because that has resulted in me making poor food choices on evenings and weekends. When in doubt, make a grocery list before you head to the store which will help you get the right foods and save you time.


Positive mental wellness can allow you to reach your full potential and work productively. We all face stress in our lives at various levels and we need to find coping mechanisms that work for each of us. Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do. I make playlists for all moods and occasions. If I am having a stressful day, I grab my earbuds and turn to Spotify for a mood boost. Take a second to do something that makes you happy and reset.

Take some time to do what makes you happy.

Another important part of mental wellness is keeping your mind fresh and active by learning something new! This continuous learning will strengthen your mind. In the age of Netflix, it’s easy to mindlessly binge watch tv which is fine in moderation but it’s also important to learn a new skill, read, and watch documentaries which can teach you something and give you a new perspective. But be sure to take a break when you need one — this can be a quick walk, stretch break, yoga class, meditation session, etc. This can help you focus and stay present.

It’s also important to express yourself, your emotions, and thoughts. Journaling can improve your communication and writing skills as well as help you track goals. I started journaling on my first day of college and haven’t stopped since then. It’s a great way to think through things as well as tracking and working on habits. You can choose to use your words, pictures, or doodles to express yourself. It’s also a great memento.


Don’t underestimate the healing power of friendships and social interactions.

Getting to know the people around you and build positive relationships will increase your social wellness. Getting to know your coworkers is important because you spend so much of your day at work. What makes Meraki special to me is that everyone is so unique and there is always a way to get involved and get to know your fellow Merakians. We have various community groups based on different interests such as the meditation, QFAM (Queers & Friends at Meraki), and climbing groups. We also go on happiness trips with our team to promote team bonding.

Volunteering and giving back to your community is a great way to support others. We recently launched a Volunteer Time Off initiative this year which allows employees to dedicate time to a cause that matters to them without having to take time off from work. This new initiative is very important to me because it allows me to give back to my community and get stuff done without having to worry about cramming volunteer work into my schedule. It’s important to take a second to recognize the impact that volunteering has and how far a small act of kindness can go. There is an increase in volunteering around the holidays but don’t forget that you can give back to your community at any time of the year.

Wellness is so important to our overall health — I hope you will take a second to think about your own well-being and what is working and what isn’t, and make the changes that make sense for you.

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We’re hiring! Join the Meraki team and get healthy with us.

