5G will change your mobile experience in ways you can’t imagine

Liza Meak
Cisco | The Network
2 min readMar 28, 2019

This post was written by Jason Deign

There’s a change in the air that could soon bring the true power of the cloud to the mobile device in your hand. Fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks, which are currently being field tested in markets around the world, promise download speeds of up to 20 Gbps.

This is many hundreds of times faster than the download speeds of the fastest mobile networks today, which use 4G Long-term Evolution to achieve up to 45 Mbps. It is also faster than what you can get with most cable broadband links.

“This means that the power of compute-based capabilities that are running on thousands of CPUs in the cloud can now be brought into the palm of our hands,” says Chief Technology Officer Sal Visca, of Elastic Path, an e-commerce software firm.

Data-heavy applications such as virtual reality or machine learning, which rely on cloud-based server muscle, will be able to run on handsets almost as quickly as they do on their servers. Data-heavy applications such as virtual reality or machine learning, which rely on cloud-based server muscle, will be able to run on handsets almost as quickly as they do on their servers. “It will be like having a supercomputer on your mobile device,” Visca says.

But not just yet. “For the normal user, the benefits of 5G mobile devices won’t be felt for around three to five years,” says Sukhi Dehal, CEO of the tech firm 383.

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Liza Meak
Cisco | The Network
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Cisco social media manager and video storyteller.