How Wi-Fi 6 will change the way you connect in big venues

Stephanie Chan
Cisco | The Network
1 min readApr 11, 2019

The next wireless standard will make your network connections seamless.

Tired of being in-and-out of Internet at large arenas? The struggle of trying to upload clips of your favorite musician to Instagram Stories or trying to find your friend who left for the bathroom may soon be over.

Many are saying that Wi-Fi 6 will truly change the way we access the Internet — with higher speeds, lower latency, and greater density. Wi-Fi 6’s theoretical speed limit is 9.6 Gbps, up from Wi-Fi 5’s 3.5 Gbps. We are continuing to collect connected devices in our homes and businesses, creating IoT-filled spaces that need more connectivity. The Verge writes that currently, homes have about nine Wi-Fi devices on average and that number is projected to average 50 per household in a few years.

See also: Cisco at Mobile World Congress

Wi-Fi 6 will help in creating those connections, allowing both consumers and enterprises to interact with Wi-Fi in completely new ways. One of these ways will be in big venues.

Click here to read more about Wi-Fi, venues, and gamers.

