The Voracity of Big Data: Combination of Velocity, Volume, and Variety

Gyumin Kim
CISS AL Big Data
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2023

In the digital era, where data is generated at an unprecedented pace, the term “Big Data” has become ubiquitous. Big data refers to the massive volume, variety, and velocity of information produced by individuals, organizations, and machines. So, it is not a subcategory in statistics, but it has a bigger extent as it uses an unlimited amount of data processed by computing powers. In this article, we will investigate the insatiable appetite for Big Data and how that nature links to the original V’s of Big Data.

Fig 1: Big Data represented by a reaching hand (Emeritus, 2023)

The term “voracious” has a meaning of having an eager or insatiable appetite. It may sound absurd when being applied to Big Data since it is usually used to describe the state of living creatures. However, if one understands the nature of Big Data, “voracious” may seem sounder and more reasonable. Big data engulfs vast amounts of information from diverse sources, ranging from social media posts, sensor data, and online transactions, to multimedia content. Its insatiable appetite reflects its ability to consume, process, and analyze these immense datasets, constantly seeking more to fuel its analytical prowess.

Normally, Big Data would be described into 3 Vs: volume, variety, and velocity. However, it didn’t have a unified description that could represent Big Data’s characteristics more simply. Nevertheless, the term “voracious” may pave a new manifestation of Big Data in a simpler way since it contains all 3 characteristics from the 3 V’s, volume, variety, and velocity. “Voracious” can be understood as a desire to consume more and more. This links to “volume” in the 3 Vs. As technology and computing powers grew immensely in the 21st century, the magnitude of data being generated and processed is staggering. Every day, billions of gigabytes are produced and processed into useful information that affects most of the population on Earth. The world’s desire to produce more and more data never ceases as Big Data can now use vast amounts of data for useful information. And so, Big Data’s inevitable requirement for an immense volume of data can be described as “voracious.” Additionally, Big Data can be voracious in a way by consuming a variety of data types, not unified forms of data. The diverse array of data leads to the need for more sophisticated and intricate algorithms to process complicated data into feasible information. Thus, the voracity of Big Data also represents the nature of the “variety” of Big Data. Lastly, “voracious” can also explain “velocity” in the 3 Vs of Big Data. The speed of data being generated and processed is a crucial aspect of Big Data. Real-time data acquirements such as social media or sensor data need to be processed and analyzed rapidly to enable timely decision-making. For example, in healthcare, many medical devices monitor patients’ status and collect data. Data from in-hospital devices and wearable devices need to be analyzed quickly for the doctors to make decisions on patients. Therefore, the pace of data acquirement and analysis represents Big Data’s voracity.

Fig 2: Medical Implication of Big Data (Dimensional Insight, 2022)

The voracity of Big Data has found applications in numerous industries, revolutionizing sectors such as healthcare, finance, marketing, transportation, and more. For instance, in healthcare, Big Data analytics assists in disease surveillance, personalized medicine, and improving patient outcomes. In finance, it aids in fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment. In marketing, it enables targeted advertising, customer segmentation, and sentiment analysis. The potential applications are vast, limited only by our ability to harness and interpret the voracious appetite of Big Data.

The voracity of Big Data serves as a powerful driving force behind its transformative potential. Its insatiable appetite for vast volumes of diverse and fast-paced information enables organizations to unlock valuable insights, enhance decision-making, and fuel innovation. It not only describes Big Data in novel aspects but also incorporates the original 3 Vs of Big Data. As we move forward, understanding and leveraging the voracious nature of Big Data will continue to shape the future of industries and society as a whole.


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