Latest news! July 2019

Guillaume Gibon
Published in
Jul 26, 2019

CITIO is moving out: from now on, you can find us at the center of Paris! We went this month to Algeria to help teams from Oran and Sidi Bel Abbès discover CITIO’s functionalities. Concerning our product: it is now possible to visualize validations per ticket type!

Discover our new premises!

We are moving to Morning Coworking, a workspace at the historic center of Paris. Come and meet us at 104 Rue de Richelieu, second arrondissement!

New feature: discover validations per ticket type!

Validations per ticket type on Casablanca network

It is now possible to visualize on CITIO the…Read more



Guillaume Gibon
Editor for

Plus de 10 ans d’expérience en tant qu’entrepreneur dans les technologies. Co-fondateur de Citio, le leader du big data et de l’IA dans les transports publics.