Lisa Davis Budzinski- Patient Advocate

Citizen Health Team
Citizen Health
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2018

CP Nerve Center Co-Founder and CH Ambassador

Lisa is currently co-founder of Central Pain Nerve Center . A reviewer for the BMJ , 30 years experience of research in law & health, attends conferences & meetings to give Patient Perspective. Author of: At The End of The Day and many articles published for other organizations. One of my favorite quotes: “I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past” ​

Why did you choose to enter healthcare and make this your profession?

“Oddly enough, I didn’t choose healthcare, it chose me. I fought it hard for years by creating a professional career in the legal field for a little over 20 years. Law comes so easy to me and criminal law was my specialty but healthcare kept popping up in my life in the most unusual ways. Firstly by appearing as 7 surgeries my husband had just 2 months after we were married. Again when my precious Mom was diagnosed with Leukemia in 1997 Then with my stepfather, aunt and lastly coming in with a bang with my stroke and thyroid cancer in 2002. Leading to a few more years of research as to how stroke and cancer disabled me, then leading me to a life of advocacy and awareness in the healthcare world.”

What do you love most about what you do? What do you do and why?

“My healthcare journey has taken me into the advocacy field to bring about awareness in the intractable chronic pain area. My condition is known as Central Pain Syndrome and though it’s not considered rare, it’s rarely diagnosed, properly. What I enjoy in advocacy and giving the patient’s perspective is knowing that I am helping others who are dealing with this very same journey and those who are going to follow after me. It’s so important to me that I bring about change for others so that they do not have to struggle through the mire and doubt that’s within the healthcare system.”

What would you like everyone to know about chronic illness, rare disease, or caregiving that most people do not know?

“I would love for everyone to know that a rare disease that is a chronic illness can be INVISIBLE. You may not be able to see the carnage going inside of the body but that does not mean that it’s not happening, that it’s very painful on a daily basis and that it takes an unbelievable amount of courage to continue living such a life that has no cure”

Lisa brings a trove of experience and knowledge to Citizen Health. Our mission is to help people, patients, caregivers and all of those who have a stake in their health and the health of others live the best and fullest lives possible. We are interested to learn all that we can, to truly make a difference and sustainable impact in the lives of all we touch. Our patient advocates will light the way.

Connect with Lisa Davis Budzinski:

On Medium: Lisa Davis Budzinski

On Twitter: @ lisadbudzinski & @ Cpnervecenter

Citizen Health, a health assurance cooperative.

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Citizen Health Team
Citizen Health

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