Updates To CitizenMe Terms & Conditions (Our Mutual Rights & Obligations) — CitizenMe

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2 min readJun 6, 2020

Hello all,

We’ve done a general tidy up of our CitizenMe Mutual Terms and Conditions (& Privacy Policy) for Citizens.
We have lots of new functionality arriving in the next couple of months (more news on this later! 🙂 ) so now is a good time for a review of the terms. You can view the changes (anonymously if you like) here in this google sheet. We’ve put the old and new columns side by side and added comments on the amendments and changes. A quick summary:


Firstly, these are mutual rights and obligations that Citizens and CitizenMe agree to (our lawyers were uncomfortable that at first as it isn’t the usual way T’s&C’s work, but they now love it — and that’s another blog post 🙂 ).

Designed To Serve You

We’ve added in reminders that the CitizenMe platform is designed to serve Citizens. We, at CitizenMe, see ourselves as your representatives, enabling you to reclaim your data and obtain value from it, as you wish.

Updated Services That We Use

Deleted references to services that we no longer use to provide the service, and some clarity about some of the services that we do use, such as Goggle Analytics.

Notice of Updates changed to 7 days

We have changed the Notice period form 1 month to 7 days. We develop the platform using an agile (quick and flexible) development process. Seven days is much more realistic.

“Fair Value”

We have changed the word “reward” to “fair value”. Firstly “reward” doesn’t sit right with us as it implies that a Citizen is being good and being ‘rewarded’ for sharing their data. In reality, sharing data should be a balanced and fair exchange with both parties as equals — so “Fair Value” seems to fit better.

“Being Banned”

Clarification that bad behaviour (unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, fraudulent, libellous or hateful) against other Citizens or CitizenMe may result in an account being terminated.

Insights are General

Reminder that the Insights provided rely on generalised algorithmic models applied to accurate data. We provide % accuracy ratings to the insights where we can. The more accurate your data is, the better the output.

We Hold No Data

Reminder that we only hold your email address to authenticate your access to your app. That’s it! All your data is stored on your phone.

Data Portability

Reminder that all your CitizenMe data is available to download from your app any time you chose.

The changes are all marked . If you have feedback, please let us know in the doc or contact feedback@citizenme.com

Team CitizenMe

Originally published at https://www.citizenme.com on June 6, 2020.




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