Our Top Ten Energy Saving Tips.


A couple looking at their laptop. ‘What additional protections can I receive during the cost of living crisis?’ and ‘How can I make small actions to decrease my energy bills?’ are asked.

While prices continue to soar, low-income families are hit the hardest. According to National Energy Action, there are 6.5 million homes in fuel poverty. That’s 1 in 4 households.

This piece will outline how those who are suffering the increasing costs of living can navigate additional protections such as grants. It will also have energy saving tips that can make a difference everyday.

What cost of living payments have been announced?

GIF with figures of the recent cost of lviing payments that are avaliable.

Millions of people across the UK are already receiving help towards their bills. Around 80% of households are already receiving a £150 energy rebate. Some payments have been made to people with fuel vouchers, for example, through the Household Support Fund distributed by councils.

Our Top Ten Energy Saving Tips

  1. Turn your thermostat down. You could cut bills by up to £65 a year on average for a typical home.
  2. Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat from escaping through the windows. Check for draughts too.
  3. Always turn off the light when you leave a room. Try and use energy-saving light bulbs.
  4. Don’t leave appliances on standby or laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily. You can save up to £40 a year by doing this.
  5. When washing up, washing or drying by machine, try to fully load the appliance. One full load uses less energy than two half loads.
  6. When you can, dry your clothes on an airer or outside during nice weather.
  7. Cutting your shower time down, when you use less water you’re also heating less water. Cutting just a minute off your shower time could save £75 a year in energy bills, and a further £105 a year in water bills if you have a meter .
  8. Use the microwave to cook when you can, instead of the oven — they use less energy as they only heat the food, not the air around it.
  9. Use eco mode on appliances when possible — it means the appliance will operate on lower speed and lower heat.
  10. If you have a radiator thermostat, make use of it. Don’t heat the whole house when you’re spending all day in one room. This could save you up to £85 a year on average for a typical home.

*Data taken from MoneySupermarket.com

The Money Saving Expert team have complied a cost of living crisis survival guide. Head to the link to find out why prices are soaring higher than any rate we have seen before, and some tips that can help you beat the bills.

Citizens Advice Stockport, Oldham, Roachdale and Trafford are here to help you. We offer free, impartial and confidential advice.

Get in touch with us today. You can contact us for advice face to face, via WhatsApp, freephone, or web chat.

