How to Hire Someone To Transport Your Car Cross Country?

Team CitizenShipper
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2021

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No matter if it’s second hand, via a vintage car seller, an auction, or Craiglist — Did you just buy your dream car online, but it’s far away from your home, and you wonder what might be the best way to bring it into your possession? There are several options when it comes to transporting a vehicle. You could make a road trip yourself, but when there is a lack of time or energy, it can be an excellent option to hire a professional driver to do it for you. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to hire a driver, including all the characteristics to watch out for in a fantastic professional transporter.

Make a Post Online

But how can you find the right driver to transport your precious new vehicle? You should consider using a marketplace like CitizenShipper. You can directly post your online transport details: In which time frame do you need the car to be transported from where to where? You should include everything necessary to you in this ad and publish it online.

After the ad is published, available drivers will answer you with price offers. Now it’s time to review the driver’s profiles in detail: What licenses do they have? Which previous driving experiences did they gain? How are they insured?

Find Out if the Driver is Trustworthy

An excellent aspect of CitizenShipper is that all drivers already had a basic background check of the company to guarantee their trustworthiness. This check includes an investigation of all drivers’ criminal history and verifying the address and phone numbers.

To further research the driver’s trustworthiness and reliability, you should use the review area of the driver’s profile. Here you can read everything about previous customers’ experiences with the driver, about things they appreciated and things they missed in the service. These reviews will give you great information about the driver. If you read negative reviews, check how the driver reacted — everyone makes mistakes, but it’s more important to see how they’re dealing with criticism.

Find a Good and Fair Price

Obviously, a crucial factor in choosing the right driver is their price. It’s easy to say cheaper is better, but that’s not true. Firstly, you must set a budget for what you can pay for your car’s transport. Based on this you can compare the offers you got. You shouldn’t just go for the cheapest bid but search for a mixture between your financial capabilities, the drivers’ experience, and fair pay for this intense many-hour job.

Direct Communication

After you narrowed down your research to the drivers you’re interested in, you can contact them directly via the CitizenShipper platform’s chat function. This direct contact will for sure support your gut feelings about who to choose, but there are also some things to watch out for:

Is the driver responsive and patient? Fast, direct, and patient answers to all of your questions can be a critical factor in choosing the right driver. You might want to have a person who is open to you and your insecurities about your new car’s transport.

Is the driver informed? That the driver knows their job is crucial. You are in good hands if the driver can help you with insurance issues and any upcoming insecurities about your transport circumstances.

How many transport updates is the driver willing to give? This question is not for everybody. But some people feel the need to get updates during the shipping or are happy about some pics from the road trip, maybe even want to see their car in an exciting landscape. If you need this to relax and know that everything is ok, you should check if the driver you consider hiring is up for that.

No matter what your unique needs regarding the move are, indirect communication, you will get a sense of your driver, and here you can specify all the details that are important to you.

Secure Insurance

While hiring an independent driver can be an excellent and affordable possibility to transport your car, you have to make sure that there is the right insurance for your vehicle to be driven by another driver. If not, it might be possible that your insurance will cover less or nothing in case of an accident. Maybe there is an additional short-term insurance possibility if the car is solely insured on you. Check your current policy and keep in mind that any claim can increase your policies’ rates. Get in touch with your driver if you feel insecure about anything.


If you take your time to reflect on what your needs and wishes are for a good driver and to research and communicate with the drivers at our platform, you will for sure find a reliable and professional transporter for your new precious car.

Hiring an independent driver is an excellent alternative to transporting via a car carrier. However, if you still think another mode of car transportation might suit you better, you can check out all of our platform options and find the transport method that fits you the best. If you have any questions regarding available transport methods or our drivers you can contact us via email .

We congratulate you on your new vehicle purchase, wish you smooth transport and a fantastic first cruise in your new car!

Originally published at on July 14, 2021.



Team CitizenShipper

A marketplace that looks to delight its customers by providing them with a convenient and safe way to connect with experienced transportation professionals.