Israel Centeno
Israel Centeno
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018


Written with an accent.

Silvia Hoeks or Stoya?

Blade Runner 2024

Written with an accent.

Israel Centeno

I’ve lived in many cities; they all have their own evil.
Cities are like cancer, Alvarez told me, I listened to him without nodding my head, I couldn’t do anything else, I couldn’t understand the comparison he was doing. — He insisted, they are malignant diseases, and we are his maddened cells.
Then came all those dystopia films, Blade Runner and all the others, the beauty of the others’ end, or of our own endings. Alvarez must have died in Berlin, grumbling about the hypocrisy of the civilized people in the cities, those people with their civic behaviors that daily drown the arrogant animal and its forced smile.
I liked Blade Runner’ saga. I don’t give a damn about the haters of sequels, there are glorious moments in the city of the immortals, that villain who looks like Stoya, the Sadomasochist Stoya in her worst productions. In the movie that malevolent and unexpected pallor that surpasses the porn actress in evil and sensuality, she lost the fight at the end of an aquatic world.
Chances are that you and I haven’t seen the same sequel to Blade Runner, you’re probably thinking a lot more about the isolated creature, who designs life like a goddess. I insist on evil incarnated in beauty, in the coldness of my passion for villains. Cities are villains, and they all have their own sin.



Israel Centeno
Israel Centeno

I am a South American author writing in English with a strong accent. Written with an accent.