E-Commerce Mobile App Development Cost & Features

Rahul S.
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2020
ecommerce mobile app cost

Blooming technology trends have created a new solid foundation for businesses. When we look around, almost everything can be operated through technological controls. Computers and mobile phones have become undeniable devices for people for every walk of their life. People use mobile phones for almost everything they do in their daily lives.

These little portable devices have become a pedestal for online vendors and businesses. Innovative technology updates gave businesses many new opportunities to explore and expand. Mobile technology has opened doors for many online activities like online marketing, online selling, online payments and other online services.

The E-commerce industry is adopting digital trends and mobile application strategies to target the audience. This works well for both customers and companies. As it is convenient and comfortable for customers to shop online while it is profitable for companies. Ecommerce app development is a way to help businesses move forward by generating more conversions.

Why E-commerce App Development is Required?

We are witnessing constant updates in Marketing & Technology techniques, offering better exposure to the business world. We know that smartphones are the most often used devices, then why don’t leverage this tool with a blend of perfect technology strategy. It has been estimated that people use their mobile phones almost 60 times more than they use their laptops or computers.

An e-commerce app is the easiest, fastest and convenient way of doing online shopping. E-commerce apps are not only convenient for users to do hassle-free shopping but also for product search, price comparison and evaluating the product reviews. E-commerce app creating excellent sales opportunity for businesses.

A report says that the first purpose of using a mobile e-commerce app is for comparing different products while in most cases the final purchase is done using a web app. A survey report estimated that e-commerce mobile app generates 32% of revenue from 56% of traffic whereas e-commerce web app generates 53% of revenue from 37% of traffic. But on contradictory, m-commerce apps have gained 23% more revenue than last year. There are a few more facts that justify how e-commerce app development has outlined new business approaches and why it is beneficial to develop a eCommerce app:

  • Google survey report states that on average 66% of users place at least an online order once a week
  • M-commerce is creating bigger opportunities for businesses as mobile phones used by a person throughout the day. Almost 90% of customers or users keep their phone with them 24*7. Thus, people are more likely to place an order from their m-commerce app than on the desktop. Businesses must consider e-commerce mobile app development.
  • The average cost value of the orders placed by users via a smartphone has increased to $79
  • In the year 2008, the revenue generated by mobile apps was $207 billion which is expected to reach up to $132 billion in 2020

What are the required features of E-commerce App Development?

You must be wondering:

Because, if you will miss out on this important tool, you may lose out on your customers. As per a survey report, nearly 61% of customers or users will cancel the transaction if he/she does not feel overall experience to be mobile-friendly.

On the app start, the user will see a simple registration page. Registration page must be integrated with social logins and custom login option. This way customer can conveniently register and log in without wasting any time and putting unnecessary efforts.

It is important that the first impression an app makes on user must be impressive. An e-commerce app should have an interactive and user-friendly interface. So that users find the application simple to use. Beautiful UI, intuitive UX, easy to use features & functions and valued content makes an attractive user interface

Push notification is an essential feature that helps in generating more traffic and sales. It is a pop-up message that appears on the users’ devices to keep them updated and establish better customer relationships. Push notifications may contain any of the following details:

  • Stock updated or latest arrival push message
  • Deals & discounts, coupon codes
  • Personalized user messages
  • Special and exclusive offers & more

Push notifications can be used to boost sales and manage user-engagement.

Social integration can create a whole new experience for users. It is the best way to keep users engaged with the app by allowing them to share their wishlist, order status, correlate their friends and network.

Shopping cart is the most important and common feature of an e-commerce application. This feature allows users to add the items they want to purchase to the cart. On the cart page, the calculated cost of products along with taxes and shipping charges is displayed. Either user can proceed for the transaction or keep the items saved in the cart for later purchase.

In-built search option helps users to search for a desired product or brand they want to purchase. Users can simply enter the product keywords in the search bar and all the related results will be displayed on his/her mobile screen. Herewith this feature, the user does not need to navigate through the entire app to get to the specific product.

To help out the customers with all their queries and issues, an in-app customer support feature is required. Customer support option will record all the customer queries and relevant data.

While shopping if a user likes something he/she can either buy it directly or save it in wishlist or favourites section. So that they don’t need to again find that specific product when they are planning to buy it. Also, user’s can be notified whenever there is an offer on a wishlist product.

Integrating multiple payment options is one of the complex but a great deal for an e-commerce app. Many customers refuse to complete the order when they don’t find a suitable way to perform the transaction. All the payment integration must be safe and secure.

It is important for a business to know what customers have to say about their products and services. An e-commerce app should have an option for receiving customers’ reviews about their products. This will help you in improving your services, that finally results in business growth.

Factors that affect the cost of e-commerce app development?

The crucial aspect before proceeding with e-commerce app development is the cost of development. However, businesses get confused while deciding the development budget due to improper planning.

How much does it cost to develop an e-commerce app?

To find a comprehensive answer to the above question requires proper planning of the app development procedure. As we know the cost of the e-commerce app development majorly depends on the features and functionality of the application. So, you must outline the required features in order to get an approximate development cost.

Firstly, understand the market demands and business demands, then outline must-have features and advanced features for your e-commerce application. Here are the main factors that contribute to the app development cost along with the application features:

  • Development Platform: Opting for the right development platform to target the audience and generate more conversions is important. The development platform is decided according to the company needs, it can be either Android or iOS or cross-platform platform. The development cost varies according to the type of platform.
  • UI/Ux or App Design: Application design plays an important role in generating traffic and attracting customers. The development cost depends on the complexity of the user interface of an e-commerce application. An engaging user interface drives more users and adds more appeal to the audience.
  • Application Size: Size of the application plays an important role in deciding app development cost. The application size will depend on the features of the application.
  • Basic Features: Basic features of an e-commerce application contribute to the development cost. Features like shopping cart, user accounts, database, checkout process, etc require time and development proficiency.
  • Advanced Features: Adding advance features to your e-commerce application will add more to the development cost. Advanced features include data sync, geolocation, booking/transfer calendar, push messages, OTP authentication, data transform, in-app calling & messaging.

Developing an e-commerce application for your retail business is an effective way to generate more sales. Customers tend to prefer an application or website with excellent user experience and faster processing. With increasing competition in the market, e-commerce app development is essential for every market representative.

Many leading e-commerce companies have increased their sales rate by 47% to 51% using an effective e-commerce mobile application. According to several research reports, e-commerce apps are considered to be the best way to improve sales and generating revenue for the company.

To develop an e-commerce application for your business, hire experienced eCommerce app developers that can build an application with pleasant and appealing user-experience.

Originally published at https://citrusleaf.in on January 7, 2020.

