Preparing for Your Next Interview: 10 Tips to Keep in Mind

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6 min readSep 1, 2022

Preparing for your next interview is essential to make sure you look and feel your best. From the clothes you wear to the way you carry yourself, many details make all the difference between landing the job or not. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind before appearing for your next interview to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.

Why is it essential to prepare for an interview?

Every interview is unique, so it’s essential to be prepared. Knowing what to expect and being ready can help you succeed. Even if you know that your skills and experience are vital, take time to rehearse your answers before every interview. Rehearsing lets you perfect any tricky questions that might come up and allows you to take time with difficult questions, so they don’t throw you off guard during an actual interview. Here are some of the reasons:

  • You’ll be more confident going into your interview, knowing you’ve done everything to prepare.
  • You will feel relaxed and focus on giving your best answers during your interview rather than worrying about what might happen or what questions you might get asked.
  • You’ll be able to show your enthusiasm and passion for your field, which can make a big difference when it comes time for hiring managers to decide who they want on their team.
  • You’ll have a better idea of what you’re walking into and can prepare accordingly, whether that means researching your interviewer or thinking about how you’d answer specific questions if they come up during your interview.

Tips to Remember

These tips will make sure you’re confident and look professional for your next job interview. Follow these and get your dream job.

Dress appropriately

How you dress speaks volumes about who you are and what you value. When interviewing for a job, make sure your attire is appropriate for your industry. The trick is striking a balance between looking professional and underdressed. You don’t want to wear jeans and a t-shirt if everyone else at your interview is wearing business casual, but you also don’t want to be overdressed. Try to find something that falls somewhere in between — and try not to draw too much attention away from yourself with an outfit that could distract others from what you have to say during your interview.

Increases your confidence

There’s no denying that confidence is critical when you’re being interviewed. A confident candidate is likely to be professional, polished, and engaging. And remember, it isn’t just about how you feel; your interviewer will likely be able to sense if you’re feeling nervous or anxious too, so it’s vital that you appear calm and collected even if you aren’t feeling entirely at ease. Don’t forget to smile — a genuine smile can go a long way!

Create a brief yet impressive resume

Most people spend more time working on their resumes than preparing for their interviews. Creating a stellar resume that showcases your most impressive accomplishments and demonstrates your value as an employee is critical to landing a job offer. Remember, less is more — keep it brief and to the point.

A good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to one page of content when creating your resume. If you have too much information, cut out what’s unnecessary. Remember, resumes are not meant to be read word-for-word; they’re meant to give hiring managers a snapshot of who you are professional.

Prepare your calm body language.

It’s essential to be calm and collected before an interview, no matter how much anxiety you feel inside. Stiff, rigid posture — even if you don’t realize it — can make an interviewer think you are too tense and closed off. When preparing for your next interview, try sitting or standing with a straight back and arms at your sides. This can help you feel more open and confident. Also, remember to breathe calmly from your diaphragm!

Do Enough Research on the Company

You must take some time researching your prospective employer before any interview. The key is to read their history, mission statement, and current news about them — not simply their products or services. By learning what a company values most, you can better tailor your responses when it comes time for your interview. Also, check out Glassdoor for reviews from employees and former employees of a particular company.

Writing Thank You Letters After the Interview

Once you’ve secured an interview, it’s wise to send a thank-you letter via email as soon as possible after your meeting. Be sure to add details of your conversation (this will help refresh your interviewer’s memory) and mention any contact information you may have left out, or that wasn’t captured during their notes. This can also serve as an easy reminder for when you would like them to get back in touch with their decision.

Prepare a set of questions.

Don’t just show up with a laundry list of questions you have about the company — talk to your career coach or counselor and prepare a set of intelligent, insightful questions. And if you’re not entirely sure what you want from your next job, research what your dream job might look like and use those parameters as your guide. You can also ask friends or family members who work at companies you admire what they love most about their jobs. You may be surprised by how many interviewees don’t come prepared with any questions!

Turn your cell phone off during the interview.

Turn your cell phone off and put it away during the interview. Nothing is more distracting than a cell phone vibrating during an interview. Take it outside if you must take a call, but make sure it’s on silent and that you don’t spend much time engaged with your phone after that. The interviewer will get a sense of your priorities when they see how you react to your phone ringing or buzzing during an interview.

Go with an open attitude and wait for the result.

No matter how much experience you have, there’s always room for improvement. Whether a new employer or just a different division within your company, approach each interview with an open attitude and wait for the result.

A friendly, professional greeting

It may seem obvious, but don’t just walk in and sit down when you arrive at your interview location. Give a professional greeting, whether a simple hello or a firm handshake. This can make you stand out from other candidates and show your potential employer that you care about business etiquette and professionalism. If you are meeting with multiple people, be sure to greet each person individually — and repeat their names.

Final Words

The interview is your most significant opportunity to make a good impression on potential employers, so you must do everything you can to present yourself professionally and effectively. And since first impressions are often lasting, your next interview must exceed expectations. Use these tips to help create a positive environment during your next meeting, which will boost confidence and enthusiasm among decision-makers, getting you one step closer to landing a job offer.

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Original Blog — CitrusLeaf

