Why Choose Laravel: The Most Popular PHP Framework?

Rahul S.
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2019
why laravel is popular php framework?

Businesses are upgrading to website applications with rising advancements in technology. A suitable technological tool with expert guidance can create wonders for a business.

PHP has been the most preferred language for web application development for many years, the reason being its open-source nature, adaptivity and huge community support. PHP web development language has a number of frameworks with many features for both rapid and enterprise-level development. Some of the most popular frameworks are Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Slim & Zend.

After picking PHP for web application development, you need to identify which PHP framework is most efficient & effective for your development needs. It is not that easy to opt for the right framework for website development as the framework needs to be decided based on the criteria like:

  • Type of the App- whether enterprise or mid-sized
  • Development Complexity
  • Built-in Features
  • Framework Popularity
  • & more like easier third party integration, integrated testing, easy deployment, etc.

Amidst various available options, it’s confusing to choose the right framework for web development. Many PHP frameworks have in-built classes that result in fewer efforts in writing boilerplate code. After evaluating all the major PHP frameworks, we found that Laravel secured the top position amongst all.

Laravel, built with Symfony components, is the most preferred open-source PHP framework and is used for fast & effective customized web development. Many developers are opting Laravel framework because of its advanced features & quick development cycle. Till now, 14 versions of Laravel was launched with a purpose to make web development using PHP a breeze. And it certainly achieved it purpose, given the vibrant community, last developer-base and quick adoption throughout the industry.

Why Choose Laravel?

Anyone who is doing web development for a long time will tell you that making a web-app secure requires a lot of effort in writing authentication & authorization modules. Laravel makes it extremely simple to generate the auth scaffold in just a few commands! Moreover, the developer has all the flexibility to change the behavior of the auth scaffold as per their needs. One can have multiple auth providers which in-turn can have different auth logic.

PHP framework Laravel has an in-built command-line interface tool called Artisan. Developers can use the Artisan to interact with the Laravel framework. Artisan console is used for package assets publishing, database migration management, boilerplate code generation for new controllers, models etc. It reduces the developer’s task of creating structured code scaffolds and allows them to perform most of the repetitive programming tasks automatically. Also, the functionalities of Artisan commands can be extended via creating new custom commands.

The most dreadful thing about PHP is that you can embed your db logic right into a PHP file which will also generate the HTML. This is obviously very wrong. Even if you’re making your views separately, adding multiple PHP tags with HTML tags is quite cumbersome. Laravel has an excellent templating language called Blade. Blade simpler than most of the other templating languages and offers a number of built-in operators which makes writing views very easy. Moreover, one can extend Blade to add their own tags.

Laravel essentially follows MVC architecture for a clear separation of concern. Developers are, however, free to write the code their way. Coupled with an excellent DI container, Laravel makes your code more testable and ultimately more bug-free. Even if there are bugs, one can easily debug them, if they have written the code The Laravel Way®.

Laravel offers sane defaults and prefers convention over configuration. This means that most of the web-apps do not require major changes in the configuration. Unless you’re working on an enterprise app, you can trust Laravel’s default config to work. This means that rather than handling configurations in XML, YML or any other markup language, developers can focus solely on building their apps. Another example is password encryption.

Laravel encrypts the passwords that mean they are not saved in plain-text in the database. The encrypted passwords are generated using Bcrypt hashing algorithm.

Laravel comes with built-in ORM called Eloquent. It makes it very easy to interact with the database because it uses Active Record Pattern. A model represents a table in the DB. It is as simple as that. You do not even have to follow the complete ORM cycle. You can write raw queries as well. Database migrations are easy too. All-in-all, Laravel has made it very easy to work with the most complex part of any system, i.e. the database.

There are many other features that Laravel offers like simple routing, middlewares, view composers, queues, automated testing and so on. All of these make building web-apps delightful and saves cost too.

Learning the Laravel framework is also easy with adequate tutorials available throughout the web. Laracasts is one of the best and the most authentic tutorial website which offers paid and free video tutorials for the developers. Unlike other frameworks, the Laravel community provides enough learning material to help developers learn more about building web-apps the right way using Laravel. There are numerous open-source packages which make development easier and quicker.

That’s why Laravel is the best PHP framework.

Laravel, a free and open-source framework was developed by Tyler Otwell to make the development of web applications based on the MVC model. Laravel is on the rise to gain popularity among the developer community because of it’s amazing features. The Laravel community provides extensive support for developers. Learn more about expressive Laravel framework here: Laravel

Looking for a team that knows Laravel by heart? Look no further. We’re building awesome stuff with Laravel for the last 5 years. Write to us today at hello@citrusleaf.in for Laravel Development

Originally published at https://citrusleaf.in on December 14, 2019.

