Why do you need to bother with Flutter?

Rahul S.
Published in
1 min readOct 5, 2019

Well, for starters, you can make apps for both iOS and Android using the same set of tools. But then React Native does the same? That’s correct too. However, Flutter is backed by Google, and unlike Facebook, they’re serious about it. This makes Flutter a platform with a way better scope in the future as compared to other cross-platform tools.

Moreover, Google saw the shortcomings of the JavaScript ecosystem, and hence decided to go with Dart AND with a native Engine that runs the Flutter natively.

That’s not it. The development tool-set is excellent (Android Studio is one of the best IDEs around). You can see the changes instantly with Hot-reload.

All in all, Flutter apps are

  • Beautiful
  • Fast
  • Easy to develop

This make everyone happy- the customers as well as the developers.

We’ve been doing Flutter app development in India for quite some time now and we’re completely blown by it. We’ve built some of the most complex apps (both consumer and business oriented) and we’re 100% sure that Flutter is the future of app development.

PS- Flutter is going to be the development platform for Fuschia, the new mobile OS under development by Google.

Best Flutter App Development Company in India

