It’s Time For Corporations And Politicians To Stop Using Cities As Scapegoats

If you supposedly love America, you should also love San Francisco

Rocco Pendola
City Life


Source: Author

You opened too many stores prior to the pandemic. Close them and blame the city.

Your workers want to unionize. Close the store and blame the city.

You need to rile up a political base that lives hundreds of miles from the coast, use disingenuous half truths and outright lies about the city to do it.

Walgreens does it. Starbucks does it. (Insert the name of your favorite — or least favorite — politician here) does it.

And it really needs to stop.

Source: Author / San Francisco

I’m writing this article from a plaza in the heart of one of San Francisco’s — and the nation’s — most vibrant, if not expensive neighborhoods. An outdoor exercise studio to the left of me, popular local coffee chain outpost in front of me, more public space reclaimed from a freeway back when I lived here to the right of me and people living and enjoying life all around me.

