Sometimes I Think You Have To Be Crazy To Still Live Here

America is no longer the land of opportunity. It’s a patchwork of impossibility.

Rocco Pendola
City Life


Source: Author / The wind and people kicking it with their feet will eventually “clean up” this mess

Unfortunately, this is not a good time to live in cities in the United States of America.

I used to justify the high cost of living by saying “you get what you pay for,” but this is no longer the case. Access to restaurants, bars, other amenities and the overall vibe of urban living which — to some degree — still exists doesn’t outweigh the degradation of quality of life we’re experiencing in cities across the United States.

Today, you not only pay more for less. You’re getting considerably less than you deserve. We all are.

Beyond a decidedly urban perspective, you can extend some of this and more to illustrate — and reconsider — the American way of life.

So, let’s illustrate with aggregate examples — (all are super easy to make specific) — that might require you to take the perspective of a person in a different situation than the one you‘re in.

Maybe your kid. Possibly your neighbor. Irrespective of age or relation, it’s evident that — as a country built on a broad dream — we’re not in a good way socially, culturally and financially.

