Street Wars: In All Seriousness, What Have We Become?

It would ‘stop the flow of traffic’

Rocco Pendola
City Life


Source: Author

The image that anchors this article is a stone’s throw from where I live in the middle of Los Angeles.

A few times a month — when I’m working at the kitchen table (as I am right now) — I hear the sound of a car crash.

The most recent one sounded really bad.

Like with others that came before this one, I feared somebody might have died or been seriously injured. Luckily, this wasn’t the case. Two girls and a dog emerged from two separate SUVs seemingly unscathed.

As we do after hearing one of these accidents, a neighbor of mine and I made our way to the fire escape. Every time we do this, my neighbor — whose family owns the building — says that over the years, people have died and been seriously injured.

Also — over the years — people in the neighborhood have tried to get a stop sign or traffic light installed at this intersection, which currently has a marked, signal-controlled crosswalk.

Clearly, it’s not enough. You’re on the border of taking your life into your own hands when you push the button and enter the street. Trust me, I’ve scolded more than my share of people for refusing to stop when I’m crossing. From the window I work next to, I…

