There’s No Good Reason Why Los Angeles Is Overly ‘Dependent’ On Cars

Many of the things people say about LA are simply wrong

Rocco Pendola
City Life


Source: Author / Los Angeles

People say lots of things about Los Angeles — and California in general — that simply aren’t true.

Most of this comes from a lack of experience/exposure and the proliferation of stereotypes, not to mention the amplification of lies borne out of pathetic political agendas.

These lies range from meaningful to meaningless and important to inconsequential.

With one foot out the door, I have come to care (somewhat) less about these things than I once did. However, it can still be annoying to see and hear people float inaccuracies about California, especially when they root for one of the nation’s largest economic engines to fail.

Why would anybody do that?

We all know the answer to that question. Making California the poster child for all that’s socially and morally wrong with the country serves politicians looking for votes in the middle of the country from people who have literally zero idea about what happens here.

We’re a lightning rod even when we do things right and well.

Outside of San Francisco, we also get the well-deserved and wholly accurate tag of being

