East Link light rail will complement Bellevue’s transportation network

East Link will change the way that commuters and businesses experience the Eastside.

To meet the needs of local businesses and residents, Bellevue is evolving into a more transit-oriented city. The city’s public transportation and utility projects will support future population and job growth, especially in the downtown core. This means that Bellevue is experiencing a heightened level of public and private construction — especially with the construction of East Link, the Eastside’s first connection to our regional rail transit network.

The introduction of light rail into the city’s transportation network will complement current and planned bicycle facilities, pedestrian mobility improvements, and bus service. It will be another way for residents, employees and visitors to access Bellevue — and districts within the city — once it enters service in 2023. In addition, East Link will transform the BelRed corridor, support new transit-oriented development, and a create a fixed rail system that will serve major employers and bring visitors to Bellevue.

From now until East Link enters service, construction may impact commute patterns and access to local businesses. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and tips on navigating the construction process and making the most of the opportunities that light rail will provide once it opens.

To learn more about East Link, visit soundtransit.org/eastlink. From there, you can view animated videos of the light rail project, learn and subscribe to receive the latest construction updates, and contact Sound Transit’s East Link Outreach Office.

