Live: The global AI Ecosystem Wiki

Since more than 3 years, AI practitioners around the world, eager to develop their local AI ecosystem forward under the vision of democratizing artificial intelligence (AI), have built today’s largest network connecting the AI community globally. City.AI, comprised of more than 300 volunteering ambassadors active in 70+ cities on 6 continents, is following 1 mission: enabling the diverse and responsible development and application of AI.

City.AI Foundation

Many monthly AMBASSADOR HANGOUTS, AMBASSADOR DAYS around our partner conference WorldSummit.AI, Slack back-and-forths, and calls with partners and individual supporters, but even more so the 250+ local meetups, facilitated workshops/bootcamps and other activities, have enabled us to understand the needs of the AI community.

We’re proud, as a truly decentralized non-profit organization, to launch our first global initiative: the AI Ecosystem Wiki

It is an open directory of AI ecosystem activities, stakeholder information and more that shall foster collaboration between AI practitioners worldwide, provide access to those interested in becoming active in the field of AI, and drive local and global AI agenda development via the necessary input from the grassroots AI community.

As of now, we’re having 26 cities from already 6 continents unlocked, roughly 500 upcoming events to join, over 1,000 active community groups to engage with, tens of local AI influencers to follow and almost 1,000+ startups to discover. Among our launching cities are:

Amsterdam, Austin, Bangalore, Bangkok, Beirut, Berlin, Bogota, Brussels, Bucharest, Cairo, Cape Town, Cluj, Kathmandu, La Paz, London, Munich, Nairobi, New York, Novi Sad, Oslo, Paris, Rotterdam, Singapore, The Hague, Valletta, and Zurich.

The past year, we’ve seen various ambassadors using the information to bring together local AI stakeholders such as Meetup organizers and other community actors, AI startup founders, data scientists and machine learning engineers from various organziations, AI-related initiative founders and governmental/municipality representatives discussing to develop (a) their local AI ecosystem further and (b) an aligned AI agenda.

Our new director Valentina Colombo joined us to facilitate ambassadors and the AI community leveraging the AI Ecosystem Wiki in even more ways. Expect regular newsletters on the global AI ecosystem, progress benchmarks and reports, local AI ecosystem regulars, AI Council support and much more.

Founding | Data | Development Partners,

We want to thank our Founding Partners Peltarion and Ticketless, as well as our data partner Crunchbase and development partner MarbleIT

I also want to highlight the contribution from our City.AI network making the AI Ecosystem Wiki a reality:

Cristian Perez | Eugen Buşoiu | Andre Modoranu | jovan stojanovic | Max Schlögel | Mircea Vadan (from top left to bottom right)

The AI Ecosystem Wiki is not finished. It’s a MVP that will constantly be developed further with more data sources from partners, the ability for each user to add/edit/track information, improved user experience, and most importantly a transparent product road map including the ability to request/discuss features and improvements (announced soon).

It’s our ambition to cover 150 cities by the end of 2020, and 500+ over the long term.

Please get in touch with us if you city is not unlocked yet and/or if you’re interested to join an existing ambassador team in one of the active cities!



Christoph Auer-Welsbach
Applied Artificial Intelligence

Venture Partner @Lunar-vc | Blog @ | CoFounder @Kaizo @TheCityAI @WorldSummitAI | Ex @IBM Ventures