AI MUST READS — W37 2018, by City AI

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and related fields are in a constant state of change. We want to inform but also encourage discussions on well presented topics we think are necessary in the context of putting AI into production. Every week we’re picking applied AI’s best articles plus adding a discussion starter

Joe Lord
Applied Artificial Intelligence
3 min readSep 19, 2018


1. Transparent Reasoning: How MIT Builds Neural Networks that can Explain Themselves

Author — Jesus Rodriguez (Follow on Twitter) Via Towards Data Science on Medium

The ability to explain the algorithims that fuel artificial intelligence systems are now becoming criticial requirements in the ability to being able to explain the decisions that these systems are making, becoming especially more critical as these systems begin to make decisions within public sectors like healthcare and the justice system.

“we don’t quite know”

Too often are these words spoken when asked how a system arrived at its conclusion. Back in 2016 Propublica showed exactly how human bias can play as one of the factors in beginning to affect, in a frightening way, the outcome decisions being made by these systems, without the ability to explain how the input data has resulted in these socially detrimental conclusions, how are we supposed to prevent them from becoming common place within systems that can directly affect lives?

2. China’s leaders are softening their stance on AI

Author — Will Knight (Follow on Twitter) Via MIT Technology Review (MIT Technology Review)

Often times the political advancement surrounding A.I are more than likely to have a bigger impact than an actual development. Internation politics will always play a large part in technological advancements. Recently, anyone that keeps even a slight eye on Artificial Intelligence will have seen the innundation of predictions that China will soon become or already holds the position as the trailblazing global lead with Artificial Intelligence.

“AI represents a new era. Cross-national and cross-discipline cooperation is inevitable.”

China’s push towards collaboration instead of a focus on agressive isolationism could lead to huge leaps forward, their ability to provide capital and skills labour is second to none and being able to pool these resources in the aim of working towards a singular goal is in opposition to their past stances on this technology.


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Joe Lord
Applied Artificial Intelligence

Innovation Coordinator at Digital Catapult and Intern at City.AI curating weekly ‘ AI Must Reads’.